Since its conception Glasswerk has published the popular music site Featuring hundreds of bands, reviews, news and mp3s it has grown into an invaluable music web directory for music lovers and industry professionals alike.
Now it maintains its local focus, which Glasswerk has become so famous for, by running several regional mini-sites in conjunction with the main national site. By doing this, users can instantly check out what is going on in their local area as well as reading about national 'big name' bands.
The weekly e-zine has become a legendary inbox publication highlighting the weeks reviews and news as well as recommending which gigs to go to and some light hearted entertainment to relieve the boredom of Monday mornings in work.
If you're an up and coming band (or even well established) visit and join today!
To get a gig go to and email in stating
Band Name
website address
Mobile phone number
email address
rough crowd numbers