I love to dance, shop, party, travel, be with family and friends, and watch movies! I also love to play with my dog, be outdoors, be at our cabin, and be in water!
Jesus, Helen Keller, Grandpa Herrman, Matt LaBlanc, Orlando Bloom and Paris Hillton. I would love to meet anyone and everyone!
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I am a dancer so I listen to everything.
I love all movies except the scary ones. My favorite movies are "ROMEO AND JULIET" and "The Goofy Movie".
I don't have much time to watch television but my two all time favorite shows are "FRIENDS" and "CSI".
Anything by Lurlene McDaniel.
Of course both of my parents are my heros and who could forget about SUPERMAN but Hellen Keller is the one who has the most impact on me because if she can do all that she had done deaf and blind then I can do all things possible, (God permitting) with both my sight and hearing!!! I also find heros in all those who have and are fighting in the war!!!