Lindsay♥ profile picture


bitches get stitches

About Me

well, im lindsay. i once lived in the wonderful lands of my RV/. california is the best things that ever did happen to me. Iv got two of the most amazing best friends of the century ALYSS AND STEFNAY!. as well as leaving one behind..JESS i miss you dearlyy. i have the best group of friends that i call my family. im pretty much the most insane bitch ever. and i love being out of control. smoke dattt weed cause it gets you reaaaaal nice. stay one with your soul. its all youv got.///////// cant forget i loooove these twoo spookie monster men

My Interests

i fuck bitches, and get money.

I'd like to meet:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people the will to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. We can resist this change and try to hold on to what we consider our 'security', which is often much better described as our 'familiarity'. People like to cling to what they consider to be familiar because they fear the unknown. This is understandable in the world that we perceive, but the transformation, the vibrational shift, is urging us to let go and flow. If we do that, have the trust to let go of the wreckage and just flow with the change, the outcome in terms of fear and stress will be transformed. The difference in those two choices, those two experiences, can be measured in the chasm between bliss and joy and the fear and terror that comes from looking the unknown in the eye. To sync with the flow, we need to literally be out of our minds. The mind is the level of awareness that relates to the physical body and the program. Intuition - knowing - is the tool that will guide us through this extraordinary time with love and joy because intuition and knowing are infinite consciousness speaking through the heart. Out of the head and into the heart. That is the way home and we are now in sight of the door. The challenge is to walk through it.


My life source.. the doorssss, bob dylan ,johnny cash favvorite ever. thats all that matters.


Donnie darko, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, American beauty, dropp dead fred, bio dome.........iddkkkkkkkk muthaaaa fuckah


Chappelle show bbbbbbbiiiiiiitchh


Elliot Smith, Bob Marley, Bob Dylannnnn.Oh yeah and Jeremy of courseee, cause hes one coool ass mutha fuckahh and makes prettyful signs =) 3