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Christian MySpace Graphics..HALAL PRAISE MINISTRIES INT'L..WHAT DOES "HALAL" MEAN?To praise, to make a show or rave about, to glory in, or boast upon. To be clamorously foolish about your adoration to GOD. To be clear, to boast, to shine, to celebrate, to rage, to dance, to shout, to jump. Praise to Yaweh, speaking the glorious attributes, working, mercy, goodness, power and love of GOD.*PSALM 104-106*~THE VISION OF THE HOUSE~ *LUKE 4:18-19* The vision of Halal Praise Ministries Int'l is that the Spirit of the Lord be upon us, anointing us to impact lives through the Word, our worship and our witness, teaching the full gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the power of GOD unto salvation, to be a place of refuge for the poor in spirit(the hurting and down trodden), the bruised, and the broken hearted, and for those who are oppressed by satanic powers, bringing them to total deliverance. We strive to be a place of liberation from religious and spiritual bondage. Standing to be a ministry of agape love, that forgives, restores and ministers the spirit of reconciliation, Halal must be a place of spiritual preparation for those called to the work of the ministry, that they may be fully equipped before being sent forth, being a place of sound biblical training, also to insure that every person is equipped to fulfill their GOD given purpose and reach their destiny. In plans to be a ministry that is strong in family values, we have to keep in mind that true ministry begins at home. And must understand that strong families build communities. We strive to be a ministry that reaches beyond the church walls, being a place of outreach, extending love and assistance to those who are less fortunate than we are. We will be a ministry of excellence and order. Our display of worship will reflect our love and devotion to our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ in our everyday lives. To this vision we commit ourselves knowing that we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us.