Bento wa nan deska ?
"Bento is in everything, everything is in Bento", used to say our Spiritual Leader who was known in Haiti as "Papa Bento". But, even if the meaning of this sentence can be seen as very close to the neoplatonist moto : "Nothing is far from Nothing", we want to underline the fact that the Bento is equally nihilistic and holistic. Therefore you can understand the bentoproject simply as a huge Musical Mezze (also called "Mezzo mezze"), or more precisely as the first attempt to create a modular pop music which will be able to produce energy, an energy so pure it can bring rain in the deserts, or heal cancer. If you adore the Bento and listen carefully to the hidden notes, you'll be able to become a professional cricketer. Buy our Bento ! Be a bentoïst ! And you will have eternal life. O thee, mighty Aristotle, ruler of the Selenites, Hidden Master of the Monkey Shines and Granda Komputilo de Orgone, we pray Your Name.