Speaking of blogs, I started a new one at:
The World According To J.J. in L.A.
It'll consist of longer blogs than the ones I write here.
A few important things about me:
I was born, raised and am living in , USA. I'm a female in my (almost) mid-40's but, thanks to good family genes, I don't LOOK it!
I'm sometimes silly, always sarcastic and the stupidest things crack me up. I'm also quite good at coming up with a snarky remark when the need arises. Once, I was asked (by the school smart@$$), "What would you do if I grabbed that crutch out from under you?" I replied, "Smack you with the other one." I couldn't have done it without falling flat on my face...but 'he' didn't know that. And suddenly, *I* became the school smart@$$. Sometimes people still grace me with that nickname and I take it as the compliment they obviously mean it to be.
I was born with a condition called Spina Bifida and have been a wheelchair user since June 1994 - but I don't let it slow me down. In fact, I 'enjoy' going down hills!
I also enjoy the few perks...like being able to park where I can unload my w/c, although, that's getting harder and harder to do. It seems like everyone, and their mother, has a placard. It probably IS their mother's, or some other relative.
Since this is a HUGE pet peeve of mine, my boyfriend created a website - Disabled Parking Violations - dedicated to the insensitivity of selfish and ignorant people who decide that it's okay to break the law. Click on the sign to check it out...
The reason? I've had 21 surgeries and some people have called me 'courageous'. But because of my record (I'm still here, after all!) and my deep faith in God, I'm not
scared, whatsoever. In fact, a friend was going in for an operation and our conversation went like this...Me: "At least you can sleep in your own bed the night before you go in." She: "Yeah, that's nice but I'm not going to 'get' any sleep." Me (puzzled): "Why not?" She: "Are you freakin' kidding me? I'm scared to death!" That never even occurred to me! I guess it makes me a little strange...but
strange is good, right?
I'm the youngest in a big family (5 brothers...youch! And thank goodness...1 sister). I enjoy getting together with my family, hanging out with my friends and, OF COURSE, being with my boyfriend, Mark.
25 Random Things About Me
I'm very much a
My nickname is "B!tch" (given to me by my brothers)
...and I'm proud of it!
I've been to 36 states (including Alaska and Hawaii), Canada (both coasts), and Mexico
I love onion rings but hate onions
I absolutely LOATHE the color pink
I'm easily frustrated - usually on a daily basis
I'm not a "girly-girl" but I like make-up
I'm a packrat...but I'm getting better.
Of all the flowers, 's are my absolute favorite
I'm an optimistic pessimist
I don't believe in peer-pressure
I'm a nightowl and intensely dislike going to bed
I hate being told what to do
I've known 80% of my friends for 20+ years
My best friend is male...and younger
I act differently with different people
I have a "mouth" on me...and I use it
I get my from my
maternal grandfather. Mom has brown eyes, dad has hazel.
I never knew my dad's dad or mom's mom
Mom is the baby of 17, dad is the 3rd oldest of 13
I have 46 aunts and uncles
...and 100 first cousins
I have a favorite brother ,
although I know I shouldn't choose
I hate Halloween - not the holiday but the date
11/14/33-10/31/81...love you, Uncle Bill!
I love April Fool's Day! Like the time I got
11 people to believe that I got engaged.
Damn, I'm GOOD!