Video games, computer games, fast cars, motorcycles, parkour, ninjas, watching people.
Anyone that lives for a purpose and has the guts to chase their dreams. If you don't have a dream, or a purpose to your life, that's fine, someone has to make my two double cheese burgers and Oreo McFlurry. =P
Most things other than annoying pop music, rap, and screamer rock.
The Matrix, The Animatrix, Fight Club, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Lord of War, The One, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, 300, and Blood Diamond.
Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis and Bleach... that's about it. Oh, and Naruto now that it's not fillers anymore.
Ender's Game, The Crown of Stars series, and Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs
My father, he was a man few could ever hope to match in this world. Paul, of the Bible.