My name's Rachel. 16. Single. NY.
I like to talk to random people, not take things too seriously, laugh at stupid shit, party, go to shows, and have fun. Sometimes i forget what i look like. I have my lip pierced, in case you don't notice. I hate wasting money on food. If you ever see me just go up to me and start talking, i promise i'm nice. I'm sort of outgoing at times when i feel like it, and if you tell me to do something, i will do it haha. I love hugs and kisses and holding hands and all that nice stuff. I'm single and i don't really mind but it would be nice to have someone. I go to the city a lot so if you ever want to chill hit me up. I'm actually pretty friendly. :D
and don't be afraid to IM me, I like talking to everyone =]
AIM= RachelxSixx