Just about anything, me and my friends usually manage to amuse ourselves. Lately our big thing has been stealing street signs... we were commisioned to steal a route 66 sign for someone last week, rather entertaining.
Parents sold my 4-wheeler, so I don't have that to do anymore. Work seems to take up wuite a bit of time, despite only working about 23 hours a week.
Just about anyone. Introduce yourself.
Just about anything. I don't care for rap, but seeing as my friends think they're gangster at times I am forced to listen.
These guys are awesome! You should definately listen to them!
I like comedy, as long as it's not just blatantly stupid. Horrors are always good, though me and kelly always seem to pick the softcore porn horror movies. They're just as entertaining, but not nearly as scary...
My TV is always on. Though it is usually just on so that I am not subjected to listening my step-brother's crappy music. It's always on Adult swim on weeknights, though after Family Guy and Futurama it's usually muted till Inuyasha and Witch Hunter Robin.
Terry Brooks is freakin' godly. I've read every book related to the Shannara series at least twice.Dune is also a great series, completely different than Brooks. Last book I read was by Modesitt. He's a mediocre writer, not good, but not terrible. Don't know how he gets published though....
The rich guy, who doesn't idolize the rich guy? That'll be me some day, granted I make it into MIT.