ZaMMiS profile picture


About Me

Pack up your peacepipes and button up your assholes, children, because Zammis is here and they are ready to bust a juicy sonic load straight into your ear-vaginas. This power quintet from Chicagoland is:Darryl- A dangerous lunatic and a blasphemous heathen not to be trusted by anyone. Hellbent on hypnotizing your children and turning them against you.Tom- A modest, narcissistic, twisted individual. Sold his soul to his holiness Bill Cosby in exchange for the thunderous bass powers to make yo' bub bubs bounce.Marcus- Urban reincarnation of ancient whisky-swallowing Xulu warrior prophets. Uses left-hand magic to summon his guitar to do wicked things.Joe- Bang! Bang! Symbol crash! Bang!Together, these instrument-wielding degenerates plan to overthrow the U.S. gov't and set up a theocracy in which the members of Zammis will be worshipped as human gods. If you love America, then you must take up arms and kill these megalomaniacal psychopaths before its too laNOTE: SPECIAL THANKS BE TO WES OF CATFISH STUDIO( AND TO COLLIN OF BOILER ROOM MASTERING ( FOR HELPING US GET THESE EIGHT NEW ZAMMIS TRACKS OUT! WORLDCLASS, THANKS SO MUCH FOR A JOB WELL DONE! music layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments

My Interests


Member Since: 26/06/2007
Band Website: [email protected]
Band Members: Zammis is Darryl Holloman - lead vocals/keys/guitar. Marcus Mccallum - guitars/harmonicas/percussion/vocals. Tom Pisano - Bass/Vocals/turntables/ 606 Joe Lupi - percussion/drums.Our sound is one of the freshest on the scene now get into it!
Influences: Rush Limbaugh
Sounds Like: Julius Caesar, Attila the Hun, King Henry VIII, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Barack Obama, Superman, the Incredible Hulk, and Professor X simultaneously orgasming on your eardrums.Lemonade.Thunder of Zeus.A punch in the gut from your best friend after years of separation.SONIC GUANO
Type of Label: Major

My Blog
Posted by on Wed, 06 May 2009 11:07:00 GMT


Which of these acronyms best describes Zammis? Zoom around mommas morals. Idealism sucks. Zoo assistant, mend my ill snake. Zealous attempt martyr. Marriage is slavery. Zone attack Monday, men. Invade...
Posted by on Sun, 03 May 2009 08:34:00 GMT

You can check us out through facebook...

We like you SPECIAL. That's why if you're a facebooker you should come on. Go to this link!
Posted by on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 10:46:00 GMT

Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 11:38:00 GMT