my name is not yoshi, but that is what you can call me.
i’m a loud, crazy, hyper, big boobed, music tech student.
music, it’s my everything. I am a singer and love to play the piano. I appreciate composers, but not the rubbish “artists†nowadays. I love most music though, from what you non-music students call classical – to heavy metal. friends, i have killer mates. i live with one of the nicest girls in the world and go to uni with some proper musicians! i miss all my girls from back homebut when i see them it's awesome! mowie, angiepangie, weg weg, mr steve, cait, kitkat and maz, just to name a few. seriously, my friends are amazing - and you should be well jealous family, my mum brought me up and I love her for it. My daddy has made sure I’ve never gone without. My brother and sister are a pain in the arse. And the rest of them are pretty kewl. OTIS is my dog and he is the best in the world. i miss him so much now i don't live with him, but when i see him i'll spoil him rotten. photographs mean a lot to me. They are a snapshot of a time in your life. I wish I could take more.
cheese and spiders.
they are plotting the end of the world together
leave me love xXx
i like to sing
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