I like to hang out with my friends and loved ones. Read lots of books and play video games. I like to watch anime and I like to write. I play dnd and usually have lots of fun with that.
people kinda like me. definetly easy going and have to have a sense a humor thats a must. besides that almost anyone is welcome to chit chat with me if they want. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Anything I like, no real set genre if I like a song then I like it that's pretty much it.
Escaflowne, Matrix (all), LOTR (all), Ladyhawk, Willow, Labrynth, Princess Bride, Lucky Number Slevin, One night with the King, Final Fantasy 7 advent, Illusionist, Prestige, Pirates of the carribean (both), V for Vendette, Akira, and many more.
Adult swim and Comedy Central are the only 2 stations i really watch. I watch a lot of series though, mostly anime.
Fantasy books all the way.
The only hero you need is yourself, if you don't believe in yourself, then why bother?