Who ever I have to meet.And probably thous people that would be good to meet even tough I don`t have to meet them ,You know what I mean.If you don`t try to use your brain a bit ,if you can`t probably I don`t wanna meet you.;)
Hip-Hop,Punk,R&B,Ska,and alot other stuff ,I don`t even know how some of thous styles are called :P who cares if it makes me feel good I don`t really care.
Forest Gump,Abov the rim,Ally G in the house of parlament,Love&Basketball,Coach Carter,The Glory road.The longest yeard,K-pax,Star wars,Hard ball,The storm of the century,Memento,Grind,Jar head.I basicly like most of the movies I wach I just love waching movies ,but I just don`t have enough time to wach any lately.
NBA action,The Nuggets games,cribd,Behind the glory,The life of,CSI,LOST-but i`m kinda tired of it.
The Bible