Rach profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I just moved to Portland and am working for a law firm as a legal assistant. I want to continue my career as a legal assistant/paralegal and am contemplating law school in the future. Likes and dislikes: I like singing loudly to my music in the car, bubble baths, chocolate, concerts, candles, fires in the fireplace on a cold day, snuggling, and Big Train chai tea. I dislike kissing people who smoke, crowds, being cold, and hate it when people say they will call you back and then dont. PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileLOVEMYFLASH CODE

My Interests

I love sports. I am learning how to play golf right now, and love it! It's definately harder than it looks. I also like to play fastpitch, basketball, gymnastics, soccer, track, rock climbing, snow skiing, and water skiing.

I'd like to meet:

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Right now I am listening to Citizen Cope, Beck, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ringside, Hooverphonic, Oasis, Goo Goo Dolls, 311, Switchfoot, Jack Johnson, Travis, Death Cab for Cutie, The Killers, Rob Thomas, Coldplay, Chris Botti, Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, Sublime... the list could go on...


The Notebook, Crash, The Family Stone, Van Wilder, The Passion, Butterfly Effect, Garden State.


I have discovered the awesomeness that is Netflix. I recently finished watching the entire collection of Friends, Sex and the City, and Felicity. I am addicted to LOST!! I also enjoy watching The Family Guy, CSI, One Tree Hill and America's Next Top Model when I get the chance.


A few of my favorite books are The DaVinci Code, Under the Banner of Heaven and A Child Called It.