The usual, books , movies, music. Being a carnivore. Hefeweisen. I go to shows like my life depends on it. Hanging out with friends. Screaming insults, obscenities, death threats and random movie quotes at Dave. I like to travel and want to do lots of it. I also like rock climbing but am not very good at it. Passing interest in sports and video games. Hiking and general outdoors stuff. Although, sitting around watching infomercials and doing nothing has its appeal from time to time.
Hunter S. Thompson would have been cool to meet. Maybe George Lucas to ask him what the hell he was thinking. Brett Easton Ellis to ask him what exactly was going on in Glamorama.... I figure I can use this myspace thing to keep track of friends I have, make some new ones and also keep track of bands and so on. Interesting people in general. Be interesting or be gone. Now, lend me $20
Death Metal, Black Metal, Doom, Grindcore, Hardcore, some Punk, Classical, Shoegazer, Oldies, New Wave. I have no intention of typing out a full "hey look at me and all the cool bands I dig " list. I like metal.....
Anything good. Or at least bad enough for a good laugh. Recently watched-Sin City,Batman Begins, Shawshank Redemption, Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels, Say Anything,
J.P. Lighthouse, Francis "Jack Pine" Savage Esq, Col. Stuart J Pendus, Sir Reginald Dwight Ferguson IV, Prof George Washington Stark, Dr. Juddworth T. Nolan, Kirkland Alfonse Holt