J.P. Lighthouse profile picture

J.P. Lighthouse

Hope You Choke

About Me

Ok, so I have a myspace just like everyone else now. Anyway, I really have nothing better to do with my time so I might as well ease the boredom and make this page. The following is just random info. If you want specifices, just email me. I have seen more movies than I can remember. All kinds, good , bad, everything in between. And all types too, action, horror, sci fi, bad 80's sci fi, kung fu, chick flicks, comedy, the list goes on. I have a whole treasure trove of useless information and trivia in my head (who needs algebra when you can quote Conan the Barbarian and The Last Dragon....) Ok, I needed to update this so I don't have to answer the same questions over and over. FYI, I was in the Marine Corps from 1996 until 2001 (4 years active, 1 year in the USMCR for those who care). After that, I joined the national guard. We were mobilized in june of 2004 and spent a year in Iraq. We just got home on halloween.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

The usual, books , movies, music. Being a carnivore. Hefeweisen. I go to shows like my life depends on it. Hanging out with friends. Screaming insults, obscenities, death threats and random movie quotes at Dave. I like to travel and want to do lots of it. I also like rock climbing but am not very good at it. Passing interest in sports and video games. Hiking and general outdoors stuff. Although, sitting around watching infomercials and doing nothing has its appeal from time to time.

I'd like to meet:

Hunter S. Thompson would have been cool to meet. Maybe George Lucas to ask him what the hell he was thinking. Brett Easton Ellis to ask him what exactly was going on in Glamorama.... I figure I can use this myspace thing to keep track of friends I have, make some new ones and also keep track of bands and so on. Interesting people in general. Be interesting or be gone. Now, lend me $20


Death Metal, Black Metal, Doom, Grindcore, Hardcore, some Punk, Classical, Shoegazer, Oldies, New Wave. I have no intention of typing out a full "hey look at me and all the cool bands I dig " list. I like metal.....


Anything good. Or at least bad enough for a good laugh. Recently watched-Sin City,Batman Begins, Shawshank Redemption, Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels, Say Anything,


J.P. Lighthouse, Francis "Jack Pine" Savage Esq, Col. Stuart J Pendus, Sir Reginald Dwight Ferguson IV, Prof George Washington Stark, Dr. Juddworth T. Nolan, Kirkland Alfonse Holt

My Blog

Just Can't Stop The Backshootin'

Posted by J.P. Lighthouse on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 10:16:00 PST

The Return of Backshootin' Dave Coulson!!

Episode 5 - The Backshooter Strikes Back.This is a lot funnier if you get the Star Wars references.
Posted by J.P. Lighthouse on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 09:57:00 PST

Wild West Adventure!!

This will be the first installment of Wild West Adventures. It will follow our hero , Backshootin' Dave Coulson and his cohorts through several adventures. Future isues will come when I get time, insp...
Posted by J.P. Lighthouse on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 01:18:00 PST

ONE.BAD.DAY (In progress)

1. It isn't finished yet.(Needs color in teeth, eyes, lips, ect ect)2. I just got it Thursday, so obviously it isn't healed. 3. The pics aren't great. You want good pictures, look at National Geograph...
Posted by J.P. Lighthouse on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 01:22:00 PST

Like you have anything better to do

A little movie questionaire/survey/whatever. Everyone is invited to play.1. Movie that should have kicked ass, but ended up sucking worse than a Thai hooker?2. Movie that Hollywood should leave alone ...
Posted by J.P. Lighthouse on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 12:37:00 PST

Dumbass of the Week Award

Maybe I should start doing this on a regular basis. I dunno, we shall see....And the winner for biggest dumbass this week is, Me.That's right folks, Your's Truely is the first recipient of this illust...
Posted by J.P. Lighthouse on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 09:58:00 PST

A little retooling

Some of you more astute readers my have noticed some changes here at the Lighthouse Information Superhighway On-Ramp.I added a new pic to my pictures. Also, I put up 2 brand spankin' new embedded vide...
Posted by J.P. Lighthouse on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 09:28:00 PST

A few more pics from Seattle

On the shores of the western sea...What good are friends if you can't get a piggy back ride from them?I have no idea. I can't even think of a witty caption.IT....CAME....FROM......THE........SEA!!!!...
Posted by J.P. Lighthouse on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 10:13:00 PST

A few pics from Seattle. (Me with Sea Creatures)

No one thought I was serious when I offered to break out sock puppets to illustrate a point. My stupidity knows no boundaries.Tell me again how sea creatures aren't gross. Oh wait, I have proof that t...
Posted by J.P. Lighthouse on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 12:53:00 PST

A Pale Blue Dot

I found the following on Fark.com. Very cool pic and a very cool quote from Cal SaganPreface: On October 13, 1994, the famous astronomer Carl Sagan was delivering ...
Posted by J.P. Lighthouse on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 10:10:00 PST