OTP started as an unexpected collaboration between Tommy Walter (Eels, Abandoned Pools), & Rie Sinclair (Emmy-Nominated independent composer & Artist) one afternoon in June ‘07 during an attempt to create a mini theme-song for a TV show. Over think-tank walks down Melrose & conversations of relationships, the two conceptualized a side project, which morphed into something eerily prolific. The classic example of a chemical reaction by slamming particles of computer guy with sub-structure of starlet in small confined Hollywood space.
Oliver began to morph into a wider concept, as collected samples of the two’s own personal childhood stories became more relevant to the character & music they were creating. Reminiscent of The Postal Service, Frou Frou, & The Bird And The Bee, OTP appeals to a wide range of listeners including an alternative young audience with their underground vibe, soothing melodic tones, & playfulness. Oliver was originally drawn by hired designer Lance Troxel.
Tommy Walter has not actually abandoned Abandoned Pools & continues to dish up mixtures in other collaborations (like recently released Graham Colton). Rie Sinclair twirls various TV & personal music projects, while mixing her debut solo album. The two have already captured their collective pool of fans, who salivate in simple anticipation of more delicious material.
Pictures by David LaPorte :)