HARDWOOD profile picture


About Me

Hardwood has been together for 2 1/2 years. Jerry Wood studied for a degree in music and has been playing forever. Brother Jim Wood has been behind the kit longer than that. Both have recording and performing experience. Vicki, who is now a Wood, has played guitar forever and has recording as well as tour experience. Brother Russ, who is not a Wood, has played guitar forever and looking forward to the experience! We all like it cool and heavy!- HARDWOOD

My Interests


Member Since: 25/06/2007
Band Website: hardwoodrocks.com
Band Members: Jerry Wood - Bass,Vocals------ Vicki Wood - Lead Guitar--- Jim Wood - Percussion--- Russ Farney - Lead Guitar
Influences: Michael Schenker, Foghat
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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