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The Lost MC

About Me

Scroller by Zoodu MySpace LayoutsWhat's up world! I go by the name of MP, The Sunshine Kid, Robert Johnson the Rap Legend. I grew up in East Memphis, Tennessee in a neighborhood called Truse McKinney which is also known as Tombstone, which is now Home Depot in the Eastgate shopping area. When I was 12 years old I made homemade mix tapes from samples off my parents' old school 45 LPs and Dana Dane tapes. I feel I release my soul, heart, and pain when I grip a microphone. I love waking up at 7 AM to hear the birds chirp. I also fish; it helps me to have peace of mind. I'm just a common man that has a passion for music.

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My Interests


Member Since: 25/06/2007
Band Members: Me, Myself, & I.

Tombstone Generator
Influences: I was influenced by The Temptations, L.L. Cool J., Slick Rick, Al Capone, and Skinny Pimp. I love soul music and blues the most.
Sounds Like: My style is based on reality. The trials and tribulations of young blacks, trying to leave the streets anyway they can.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog


Posted by on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 00:13:00 GMT