My name is Billy Mitchell and I'm A brother in Christ that has a concern to know and to share God's truths. To find the truth in God's Word can be a grueling task of many hours of study and research. The pearl of great price doesn't come cheap. One might ask why this search would be so grueling? Don't we have a Bible that we can just pick up and read to find out what God's Word has to say? Sure we could, only if we would want to be brainwashed with mistranslations of the Greek and Hebrew scriptures. Even in Peter and Pauls day, the church was being infiltrated by the enemy to pervert and distort the truths of God. Could we even imagine "being 2000 years later," how much ground the enemy has claimed for his own.
Could all of this be out of God's control, or could God be working all of this after the council of His own will?
"Eph 1:11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will!
I know that this sounds like that I'm trying to twist up a bunch of words to try to make a point, but this isn't what I'm doing.
For God's Word to make any sense, we have to understand God's TOTAL SOVEREIGNTY.
If what I've said has gotten your attention, please hang around and check out some of the articles that I'll be posting in my blogs. I pray that God gives you the eyes to see the truths of His Word,
God bless.
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Is this Thy will? Has this become my lot? I preach Thy precious promises, but preach with brokenness and blemish, blot and breach.
Hast Thou forgotten me? If I forgot Thy benefits and, touching this, see not, reach out to me, Thy lost.
Do I not reach the hem of Thy garment? Do I not beseech? What glory hast Thou in a broken pot?
Behold, my skin is torn, my bottle burst, and I have wept so much, my tears are bread,
yet watered with affliction, still I thirst and seek Thy living waters like one dead because I want to seek Thee, and love Thee, and Lord, wash my blood with blood which Thou hast bled.
And When I Counted Death
I offered Thee this living offering. To live in Thee, I sacrificed my pain because to live is Christ; to die is gain;
and when compared to all Thy suffering, my woe and weeping were a little thing; Whom having wept without, I wept in vain,
but now Thy former and Thy latter rain will wash away my tears, and I will sing. Such songs may sound so weary with the Cross,
but where could I find comfort, save that Tree, Thy Word like chosen silver, my words, dross, until my mouth confessed my heart to Thee?
What things were gain to me? I count those loss, and when I counted Death, Christ died for me.
Broken Vessels..
Broken vessels, fit for service Once, when whole, what could they do? Only hold within themselves That which they poured out by choice But, once broken, looking useless What can that vessel hold within? Nothing - for what pours inside Flows out, as it is meant to do
Through the cracked and broken places In our lives, His Love flows out Reaching those we would not pour to What we cannot hold within Needing daily His refilling First for us, and then to them Yielded vessels, now made worthy By forgiveness of our sins
Thank you, God, for broken places Of great value in Your hands Whole myself, I might not serve You Broken, You may have control Pouring in as You desire Sometimes more and sometimes less Always that to reach to others Through my yielded brokenness
Tis God's own hand..
"No chance hath brought this ill to me; 'Tis God's own hand, so let it be; He seeth what I cannot see. There is a need-be for each pain, and He one day will make it plain, that earthly loss is Heavenly gain!
"Like as a piece of tapestry viewed from the back appears to be naught but threads tangled hopelessly; but in the front a picture fair rewards the Worker for His care, proving His skill and patience rare.
"Thou art the Workman, and I the frame - perfect Thine Image on the same!"