Friends, movies, playing video games, making video games, music, art of all kinds, anime, archery, chicken, astronomy, dogs, oatmeal raisin cookies, and a small sprinkle of sports.
Dr. King, so we can talk about how his dream is being stepped on by ignorant people. Shigeru Miyamoto, so some of his greatness can trickle down to me (or at least a piece of lint from his clothes so I can sell it on ebay).Someone named Chloe, just for the fun of it. Hayao Miyazaki, if you don't know who he is, don't worry, a lot of people don't. Paul Robertson, an absolutely amazing pixel artist and animator.
I listen to everything. If someone calls it music, I'll listen to it. I think it's foolish to think that you can't enjoy a song because it belongs to a genre of music you typically don't listen to. Just like people, every song should be treated individually instead of in groups. Man I'm deep...
Are expensive! Martial arts and Animated (computer and traditional) movies tend to be my favorites. Anything is fair game as long as it's entertaining.
Yeah, I got one of those. I hardly watch television because most of it sucks nowadays. I do love Scrubs, Reaper, Always Sunny, Avatar, The Boondocks and all the other Adult Swim shows, though.
The only books I've read lately are textbooks!
God. He can do anything. Kinda like Superman, only I hate Superman because he can do anything. God was here first, you jerk.