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u dont have 2 3 me, U dont even have 2 like me, But U will RESPECT me!

About Me

Lets see wat can i say?.......hmm....well i kno that my favorite type of movies are romantic comedys. My fav. Movie though I'd have 2 say is the notebook!!! ITS BEAUTIFUL! ok enough of that I luv to have fun go out. My 2nd fav type of movie is HOROR just because it gets my adrenaline pumping to see all those crazy killers. I go 2 Verdugo Hills but that skool is starting 2 bore me to death. I'M sorta kinda feminine but i dont give a shit!! My favorite person in the world is my younger sister Carmen (Iluv u skank!! jk). My favorite workout is damncing because its super fun and Im pretty good at it, or at least Im told. Im not really all that religous, but I do help out at my church on Sundays. I'm living my life and having one hell of a time enjoying it. Oh yea im single. I guess Im still looking 4 the rite person 2 be with. Im not the outdoorsy type but I still would like to go camping cause it looks super fun. Well enough of that if u like wat u hear hit me up.

My Interests

Friends, Dancing, Movies, Partying, Luving Life =P
The ULTIMATE 'Which Disney Princess Are You?' quiz

You are Aurora. Quiet and loving, you tend to be isolated with only a few close friends. You are deeply romantic, always seeing the good in people, and certain that the right person is just a step away. You have an amazing capacity for love and devotion, not just to your partner but also to all things, animals and children in particular. You are also perhaps the slightest bit uncany, sweet and mysterious, and you draw people to you like moths to a flame.
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You are Gabrielle. Ruthless and some what greedy. Life seems like its all about money, designer clothes and looking good. But there is something more about you that is sweet and caring. You DO have a soul and you are absolutly beautiful.
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Designer bag. You are fashionable, glamourous, lovely and poised, you probably only settle for designer stuff, even if you can't even afford it, GO YOU!
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You are a high end heel. You love luxery and being pampered.
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I'd like to meet:

[Marital Status] single
[Shoe size] 9 1/2
[Parents still together] no
[Siblings] 3 sisters
[Pets] none want a kitty
[Color] red brown blue yellow
[Number] 3
[Animal] tiger
[Drinks] margarita
[Soda] Dr. Pepper
[Book] Go Ask Alice
[Flower] red rose
[Color your hair?] brown
[Twirl your hair?] sometimes
[Have tattoos?] no
[Have Piercings?] no
[Cheat on tests/homework?] sometimes
[Drink/Smoke?] no
[Like roller coasters?] love em
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] Hawaii
[Want more piercings?] no
[Like cleaning?] yes
[Write in cursive or print?] cursive
[Own a web cam?] yes
[Know how to drive?] yes
[Own a cell phone?] duh
[Ever get off the damn computer?] i hav a life
[Been in a fist fight?] no
[Considered a life of crime?] no
[Considered being a hooker?] sometimes jk
[Lied to someone?] yea
[Been in love?] nope
[Made out with JUST a friend?] yes
[Been in lust?] of course
[Used someone] yea
[Been used?] nope
[Been cheated on?] nope
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] yes
[Stolen anything?] once
[Held a gun] no
[Current clothing] American Eagle
[Current mood] perky
[Current taste] sweet
[What you currently smell like] Polo Blue
[Current hair] Brown
[Current thing I ought to be doing] partyin
[Current cd in stereo] mixed
[Last book you read] tittle 2 long
[Last movie you saw] Dead Silence
[Last thing you ate] Chinese
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Molly my BF
[Do drugs?] no
[Believe there is life on other planets?] sometimes
Remember your first love?] yea
[Still love him/her?] nope
[Read the newspaper?] no
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] yea
[Believe in miracles?] yes
[Do well in school?] yes
[Wear hats] no
[Hate yourself?] luv myself
[Have an obsession?] not that i kno of
[Collect anything?] no
[Have a best friend?] 2
[Close friends?] yes
[Like your handwriting?] yea
[Care about looks] lil bit
[First crush] too shy 2 say
[First kiss] "
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] yes
[Do you believe in "the one?"] yes
[Are you a tease?] sometimes
[Too shy to make the first move?] no
[Daydreamer] yes
[Bitch/Asshole] when i have to be
[sarcastic] yea
[Angel] no
[Devil] no
[Shy] no
[Talkative] yes



Which mean girl are you? (Cady, Karen, Gretchen, or Regina- w.. pics!)
ReginaYou are the queen bee! You are mean and selfish so it wouldn't hurt to be a little nicer, k?
Take this quiz !

Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code.."..window.open('http://www.../playvideo.php?id=24721', '','toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0, resizable=0,width=360,height=450');"Purple Ribbon All Stars - Kryptonite (ft. Big Boi, Killer Mike, C-Bone And Rock D)


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