[ ]Well, hello, there.
I'm Danielle, also known as Rebecca.
I have absolutely no talent, and there's nothing special about me.
But, people tell me I'm the funniest person alive.
Everything I do, it's... cerebral.
He's my world. He's my life, the love of my life, my whole heart, my true love, my blood, my oxygen, my everything. He's the reason I'm still alive, the reason I get up in the morning, the reason I never and still haven't given up, the reason I laugh and smile non stop. There's absolutely no one like him. I have never been so attracted to someone mentally or physically in my whole entire life. Seeing a picture of him, hearing his voice, hearing his name makes me laugh and smile uncontrollably. His hair, his eyes, his legs, his knockout smile that I always want to see, his laugh that I love to hear, I love it. Even the little things like, his ears, his long fingers, his hands, his super fast tongue, his straight white perfect teeth, his nose that he thinks is big(It really isn't at all), his lips, his whole body is just so absolutely perfect, he's so flawless. Mentally; his personality, his mind, his thoughts, his ideas, his advice, his humor that makes me laugh non stop. He's so naturally smart and intelligent. The thing I really want is for him to be happy, whatever he's doing, I want him to have the time of his life. I don't care if he had no arms, or if he was in a wheelchair, he would still be the most beyond perfect person I ever laid eyes on. I love Tom so fucking much. He taught me so many things like, never give up, be yourself, and don't care what other people have to say, and just speak your mind, and so much more. Everything little thing about him is so amazing and beyond perfect. He's so gorgeous and beautiful. I could wait here forever just to see him smile, his smile is the most precious thing in all the world. There's no one like him, no one even close to him, and I love that so much. And his humor, it makes me laugh for hours and hours continuously. His perverted jokes make me laugh until I cry. Every joke he makes is just so hilarious. Some of his jokes are so unbelievable, they make me shake me head and sigh. But I still laugh for such a long time. Most of the time I tell the same jokes to my friends, most of the time they crack up laughing. The funny faces he makes are just too cute and adorable. Any face he makes is just so cute. I live for his smile, his smile makes me melt. He's all that's on my mind. He's all I think about, all day everyday. I can't concentrate on anything else but him. Someone always gets annoyed by it, but I don't care. You can say something so important or just completely off the subject, and my mind would just concentrate on him, only him. It just happens all the time. He's the first thing I think about as soon as I wake up, and the last thing I think about before I fall asleep, and all between that. And of course, he's all I dream about. Everyday I wake up and wonder what he's doing, and praying that he's OK. I want to see him on ModCam everyday, just to see what he's wearing, just to hear his voice, and most importantly, making sure he's okay. I care about Tom so much, it's unbelievable how much I care about him. Every time I think of him, which is always, he gives me this feeling I can't describe, there are no words to describe this perfect feeling. This feeling he gives me makes me beyond happy, it's the best feeling in the world. My mind is Tom 24/7, I can't get control over it. All this shit that is going on in my life, just listening to his voice, or seeing his smile can fix everything that is about to fall apart inside of me. If anything terrible, something horrific ever happened to him, I wouldn't ever manage to keep living and go on. I really just don't see the point. I'm absolutely nothing with him. My life without Tom is a life not worth living. I would be so lost, so pathetic, so miserable, so depressed, so out of line without him. I would be nothing without him. If he dies, I die-that's the way it is. I wouldn't be who I am today without him. I would, literally, die for him. No matter how many people might hate it, how many people think I'm a total idiot, it's never gonna change. My life is so happy, perfect because of him. Whenever I feel like giving up, or I just feel down, I just think of him, that picks me up off the ground. He takes me away from this tortuous land. I would do anything for him. I would stand in a blizzard, in a thunderstorm, I would walk 100 million miles just for this one man that I love with all my heart. But don't ever think I'm just a crazy lunatic fan that only thinks I love him, because I am most definitely not, nor am I obsessed, obsessed is not even close to what this is. I'm not obsessed, I'm just in deep, true love, and I wouldn't let it go for a second. Thomas is my ONLY ONE. I love Tom so much, you have absolutely no idea. I could try to go on forever about how beyond perfect and beautiful Tom is inside and out, and how much I love him, but it is impossible to describe my love for Tom. I mean it with all my heart and soul: I am in absolute love with Thomas Matthew DeLonge Junior.
Forever & after <3