Buffalo Madonna profile picture

Buffalo Madonna

In Art there are no successful marraiges, only succesful rape

About Me

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My Interests


The things music will make you do at 5 O'clock in the morning...my first music collage_____________________________________________________ _______________________ ALL DRAWINGS WERE CREATED BY THE FIVE PHENOMENAL FINGERS OF ELISE RUNYON ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ City Life. The air feels thick and dense, as if the buildings breathe and steal away the oxygen.As my father used to say, living in the city is like living inside the mouth of a crocodile, buildings all around you like teeth. The teeth of culture, the mouth and tongue of civilization.---Juan Julian,


Fight Club, Magnolia, Lost in Translation, Life Aquatic, Rebecca, Raging Bull, Dogville, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, kill bill, Requiem for a dream, Pi, Snatch, Lock,Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, Boondock saints, Scarface, Clockwork Orange, Kalifornia, Rain man, Sphere, The Graduate, Midnight Cowboy, Of mice and men, One flew over the coo koo's nest, The Goodfellas, Trainspotting, Seven, 12 monkeys, Boogie Nights, Shogun Assassin, Taxi Driver, Brave Heart, Kung Fu Hustle, Tombstone, Willow, Spirited Away, Rhinocerous, Citizen Kane, Red-Headed Woman, Dr. Strange Love,The Producers, and more...


Imagine if the tables were turned and YOU watched the TV watching YOU.Do you realize how sad and pathetic that show would be?Well that show is your life.That is YOU sitting on that couch dipping your chips in boredom filling your heads with lies.That is YOU waisting your future for your favorite sitcom.And that is YOU desensitizing your already frigid heart by watching the monotoned robots vomit tragedy till the point when if only one person gets slaughterd you question why that was so important to be broadcasted.While the mother and father weep for there daughter to be returned while knowing shes somewhere under a log with a seamen stained skirt YOU eat your cheerios and mutter under your breath saying"oh too bad...Im glad thats not me"And thats YOU being injected with fear forcing you to buy and consume the latest fashions or else you will be mocked.And thats Fear spoon feading you lies and fucking your rights.So enjoy your episode of "Freinds" while yours slip away.And enjoy your music video and keep pretending thats your skeleton.And enjoy watching Cribs and saying one day Ill have a place like that...But tell me how you will ever be fit or have a nice house when you are constantly strapped to your sofa...Yeah of course I love TV


Anyone who comes home after work and is happy with there day.And comes home to a wife or husband that he/she loves and to children that he/she adores.And who can fall asleep at night without any regrets that haunt them.And who can honestly look into a glass lake and say that they're happy

My Blog

Benny Drill

  Get up &get &up Their's the tingles Its not cold But I'm coated Luke warm My skin is the inside of a gel capsule Heels are floating And my toes are dragging. I guess you can call it walking...
Posted by Buffalo Madonna on Thu, 17 May 2007 05:27:00 PST

She took this picture

I feel like your eyes are constantly saying"wake up"like your a blinking neon sign saying "tHis iS aLl a dReAmThis is a lucid fantasia snap out of it Alice lay off the pixie dust you'll induce diabete...
Posted by Buffalo Madonna on Tue, 15 May 2007 01:54:00 PST

Dream dandies

Beautiful BacteriaEat away my loveBreak them down to sweet nothingsI ate her with honeyand washed her down with nectar.And then I sawI sawI saw green tangoed with blue who doe-c-doed with purplewh...
Posted by Buffalo Madonna on Tue, 15 May 2007 10:49:00 PST

Here is a Man

Here is a Man3 sunrises, 2 howling moons, and 5 backwash saloons later he sitsDried bar fight blood on his wry cracked lipsWhen he sweatsBlack oil gushes down his leather worn skinrolls off his busted...
Posted by Buffalo Madonna on Tue, 15 May 2007 09:06:00 PST


The Nuclear family?detinated decades agoDecay?...its okits o.k.really its O-KayIm o.k.Your o.k.everyones O.K.Okay?except my blood pulsates a glowful greenlike an experiment gone wrongHello Radiationso...
Posted by Buffalo Madonna on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 03:51:00 PST

The Broken Leg of an Animal Cookie

The Rebels are rabidbecause we are animals that flocked to a country disguised as freedomwe are animalstaught by animalsgrown from animalscontrolled by animals who forgot they were animalsthen lock up...
Posted by Buffalo Madonna on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 03:38:00 PST

In My Continental

After being happily molested by my homeland security Im proud of my assured safety if in the extreme case of an emergency A Life Vest, to keep my burning body afloat the oily sea A Seatbelt, to cushio...
Posted by Buffalo Madonna on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 09:34:00 PST

The Hands of Forgotten Bay

The Hands of Forgotten Bay A one armed man holds his lovers hand when suddenlyhe no longer feels freefunnyhe believed another hand would make him completeBeaty eyes shift beyond the shipwrecked debree...
Posted by Buffalo Madonna on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 02:24:00 PST

The Lonly Track

It's lonly being a human being A trainful of bobbing heads not interacting annoying contacts desperately shift avoiding eye contact to pretend I dont exist I chew my lip in silence waiting for a solit...
Posted by Buffalo Madonna on Tue, 30 May 2006 01:46:00 PST


~~   ~ Examine the wound study the bloods lovely decor Why is it black? What did it stop running for? It used to splash, spray, spatter and spit I'd get irritated by its tedious drip ...
Posted by Buffalo Madonna on Thu, 18 May 2006 04:35:00 PST