Anndieeee ChuyoungfuPark profile picture

Anndieeee ChuyoungfuPark

Just a nice normal person, Had a dream I was drunk and I had a cowboy hat and boots on living IN Tex

About Me

Just a normal person living in a very strange world. Just looking to chill and have fun in life . When Is it going to end. I AM DONE

My Interests

MOuntain Bikes, SNowboarding, Any SPorts, Going out and just having fun. Clubs Bars, MOvies, Just what ever-I am trying to find the ultimate fun activity ormaybe we can stay at home.

I'd like to meet:

Nice cool peoples who like to joke and be goofy and have fun. If your mad at the world or want someone to yell at all day please don't send me a message. Looking for someone who is happy with the world. NO DRAMA QUEENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO DRuggy's it does mess up your mind really bad. and please no People with Disturbed Minds that hear things, I have been through so much and now Its past the return policy can I see a manager so I can return this item.Cars Don't matter huh Which whould you go with the guy with the Yugo or the guy with the S-class?


Is that one special girl going to sing this to me?Maybe we’ll meet at a bar He’ll drive a funky car Maybe we’ll meet at a club And fall so deeply in love He’ll tell me I’m the one And we’ll have so much fun I'll be the girl of his dreams maybe


50 first dates stole my heart but I am into action adventures.