- . .. .* ..[bĸa];Priincesz%I'm still trying to discover myself, so therefore I cannot elaborate. I don't need to impress anyone, which is why I don't care how I look. Regardless if I wear a skirt or men pants, I'm still the same person. I can tell you, I try to smile all the time. Trust is a serious issue. Don't go backstabbing, when you say you care. If its one thing I realized it is that everyones gonna hurt you, you just gotta decide whose worth the pain. One thing I know for sure is my mom, is like my best friend. My brother, my dad, my best friend Nicole, my boyfriend, and my two sisters are the people I care about the most. Everyone judges, and to tell you the truth I do care, I wish you people would just stop, but go ahead call me whatever you want to call me: ugly, whore, slut, stupid, bitch and what ever else you might choose to say. Those are your own judgments and I realized I have no business correcting you. I got what I need in my life to make me happy, and it definitely does not involve you girls and your foolish drama. So fuck all you drama feeding bitches. As well as those waste men, lurking for juiciness too (since when did men talk shit? – WA KINDA TING?) Anyways, is it just me? Or did you notice that everyone is exactly a like? Everyone says the same bull shit “I don't give a fuck, stop beef, I'm always happy, and I sing because I want too†I see a constant pattern, don't you? I don't quite understand how you could say you don't care what some one says, because I sure as hell know thats why theres so much beef going down. And how are all of you happy if your always going to school depressed and telling people your life long stories? And "you" sing because you want to, gosh I know say if I asked one of you randomly to sing...you wouldn't!
A womαn wαs creαted from α mαn's rib. Not from his feet to be wαlked on.
Not from his heαd to be superior. But from his side to be equαl.
Under his αrm to be protected & neαr his heαrt to be loved.
Be cαreful when you mαke α womαn cry, God counts her teαrs, you know...
My pαrents rαised me with intelliqence. I qot the world of wisdom. I benefited from every mistαke I mαde αnd I'm puttinq it to use. I've qot confidence and settled with a pride of perfection