I'd like to meet:
whats up qanqstarsz:)
namesz veronica mezaa:) [ soon to be coronaaa]
im really outqoinq, outspoken, & of course im very open-minded.
im a bitch. if you dont like it qet the fuckk outta here:)
i can be your worst enemyy or your best friend:)
but my Best fuckinq friend foreverr spot is alreadyy takenn:)
beatriz andradeee & griceldaa rochaa:)
i've known beatriz for about 3 years now:)
&&griceldaa, man i been threw a lot of shit withh herr! even if i've only know here for a lil.
but anyway, im in hiqh school.
im a freshman at [ Cesar Chavez High School ]
i live with my boyfriend! :)
bestt dayy ever!!!!!
im very random at times. &i love my friendss:)
especially the wunsz that make me feel smartt:D
i love to texxt. askk for diqitsz &you may or may not qet themm:P
uhm, i love to boxx. so if you wanna post up; bitchh lets qo:)
i hate bitches who talk shit but cant back it up.
&stupid lil qirlz who think they're all biq shit &try to be somethinq they're not.
bitch qrow the fuckk up &be yourself.
if you're qoinq to jockk my shitt. qet the fuckk outta here. press the pretty red "X" in the top riqht hand side of the screen:)
i love zebraa print:) [ obviouslyy )
but yeah, wanna know moree??
comment me; i lovee comments:)
this is one of the MOST AMAZING guys you can ever meet! hmmm...sorry bitches! he's mine! &&always will be him. his name is franciso coronaa! &&hes my changitoo chuloo; sully; doraa<3; babyy; amorr!
hes the most nicest person since like frikken gondii [lol] okay maybe i went a tad to far but hes awesomee! we have been together since july 22nd, 2008. ahh almost a year! getting scaryy! but i have to sayy i love him lots. even though he has his irritating momments. but yeah. through thick &&thin hes stuckk by my sidee. &&i really appreciatee all my real homies whose "approved" of him. [ even though i wouldnt need that to be with my baby ] but i thankk you guys for being happy for mee<3 but baby i love him lotss! he means a lot to mee. and even though we have out little "dissagreements" sometimes. in the end i still love you babyy!