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DISCLAIMER: ((sigMoid)) is neither qualified nor bothered about dealing with psychological disturbances you may have.
I got my layouts from
+++Begin Transmission+++
always told me not to venture to close to the forest as there were monsters in there. One day though I was walking and I found myself close to the forest. The forest wasdark.
Suddenly I heard a tremendousroar
and I trembled. Then I heard a terrible screech and I was afraid. Then I heard an awfulcrashing
and I was scared. I ran back to the village and told the village elder.He did not believe me because I am anidiot.
So I ran and told the village witchdoctor. She did not believe me because I am afool.
So I ran and told the village blacksmith, he did believe me when he looked into my eyes. He gathered all the villagers together around the well and told them to get shovels and axes andtorches.
Then they all went to the forest to kill the monsters.Suddenly
they heard a tremendous roar and they trembled. Then they heard a terriblescreech
and they were afraid. Then they heard an awful crashing and they were scared. But the blacksmith was braver than anyone else there and seized a shovel and charged into the underbrush yelling as he did so.As it turned out it was only some Psychology students from Bristol University having a laff.Bloody students.+++End Transmission+++Click here to get your own Unique Contact Box - Over 2120 to choose fromLyrics