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About Me

I have 3 main goals in life: grow a beard, own a farm and read the whole Bible back to front.

My Interests

God, skiing, nature, walking, woods, pacifism, building stuff, travelling, peace, taking photographs, film making, not putting effort in, not being old enough, trees, getting paid, getting laid, girls, Hitchin, the hut, fields, spontaneous stuff,Ray Mears, fine cheap wine, old stuff, not having time for people that dont have time for me, reading, water, prefering my own company a lot of the time, checked shirts, cardigans, Bear Grylls, short shorts, webcams, chilling, bbqs, K, roll ups, new kids on the block, fires, seeing the bigger picture, Napoleon Dynamite, cycling, cold showers, 80s, recycling, not having brakes, my dog, controversy, harry potter, sensemilia, pity for ignorant people, being a hobbit, russell brand, spending money, the 80s, daydreaming, the Cribs, Mean Girls, spontaneous kisses, mountain dew, ebay, Dean Koontz, blessed by a broken heart, trails, beards, Derren Brown, the Bible, chilling out, animals, sleeping, Kane Hodder, snow, apple sourz, The Doors, good vocabulary, wanting to stay at school just to see Mr Douthit every day, polaroids, cutting hair, piercings, moustache march, hair straighteners, gossip girl, lucky charms, Thin Lizzy, xbox 360, snakebite, gta iv, agape, philosophy, JRR Tolkien, painting, Confide, allotments, not eating, exercise, anchorman, fine wine, the great outdoors, nikon D50, making fires, people taking the piss out of me because of my beliefs?, being homosexual but not, Cold War Kids, nights out, nights in, Halo 3,ladios, Flickr


Jesus Christ