real estate, playing outside, wii, family, friends, wine, feng shui, writing, reading, cities, sailboats, lakes, the ocean, road trips, radio, learning to dance, fine dining, skiing
I like people who laugh easily and anyone who would like to buy and/or sell houses in Northern Virginia. :)
DMB, Beatles, Muppets, One Hit Wonders, Almost any British Pop Band, Top 40 Hits (I know, I know, its terrible, but I just can't help it...), The Frey, Poole, Donna and the Buffalos, Andrew Lloyd Webber's greatest hits, Areosmith, Tom Petty, Green Day, Dixie Chicks, U2, Kelly Clarkson, Paul Simon, Smashing Pumpkins, Eagles, Jars of Clay
Princess Bride, Dodgeball, Simpsons, Sixth Sense, The Village, Disney Animated Films up to and including Mulan, The Last Unicorn, Godzilla vs. Bambi and other Monster Movies, Battleship Potemkin, The Neverending Story, Wedding Crashers, Muppets, The Godfather (Godfather II is on my life to-do list), Butterfly Effect, Jaws, Star Wars
Lost, Grey's Anatomy (although I never saw the last three episodes of last season, so I am a wishy-washy fan), The Daily Show with Dreamboat Jon Stewart, Entourage, World Series of Poker, Discovery Channel, Shark Week
Harry Potter, Watership Down, Chronicals of Narnia... I really liked the last book I read: The Curious Incident of the Dog at Nighttime; Princess Bride is a *great* movie, and the book is just as good? Better? That one is a hard call. I liked Catch 22 a lot, but it took me 9 months to read it (busy)... and I got to circa the 16th Century in reading a textbook of the history of the world. Gone with The Wind, Jurassic Park, The World's Religions, Realtor Magazines, and a how-to book for lucid dreaming that I am currently reading
(In no particular order) Robby, Tony Robbins, Nini, The RobLowes, Bethy, Dreamboat Jon Stewart, Kathy, The JohnLowes, Patrick, various mmentors and profits along the way, Mom, Dad, The Dog Whisperer... and I'd also like to thank all the little people :)