raving it up all nighters dancing chinese wispers neon colours clothes flying with pigs eating prawn living in london speaking french cocktail crisps art and design making crude jokes life love being immature drinking kisses cuddles the summer the sea south london music sleep food laughter films travelling rollies nice people weirdos being warm when it's cold outside mittens geography
mr bean
bob dylan the chemical brothers daft punk nouvelle vague jamie T Datarock just jack the gossip dizee rascal muse gregory and the hawk groove armada michael jackson pendulum johnny cash coldcut kings of leon led zeppelin the maccabees massive attack mystery jets the ramones Rinocerose the shins the rakes stevie wonder yeah yeah yeahs the doors the fugees Hadouken! MSTRKRFT jimmy hendrix uffie hot chip jack johnson ladyfuzz lemon jelly air blondie new young pony club placebo shy fx the raconteurs radiohead 2manydjs stevie wonder the who faithless basement jaxx the doors the clash regina spektor dirty vegas electrocute robots in disguise new young pony club the fratellis harry and the potters jackson five larrikin love the presets mr scruff fedde le grand peaches portishead prince the specials elvis queen wolfmother
Forest Gump, Pirates of the Caribean 1, Cruel Intentions, The Pianist, y tu mama tambien, virgin suicides, FIGHT CLUB, A beautiful mind, Amelie Poulain, Manon des sources, Jean de Florette, a beautiful mind, the pianist. really want to see trainspotting... anyone care to lend it to me?
desperate housewives, hollyoaks, sugar rush, you are what you eat, the smurfs, ugly betty, shipwrecked, shameless, skins
anything to do with dogs really, three legs is good.
Superman, Spiderman, Wonderwoman, The Lock Ness, Harry potter, the Hulk ..err href="http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e175/alekoalekoaleko
/banksy-tramp.jpg" target="_blank"