There are many things that interest me I enjoy things such as sports,parties,friends meeting new people.Pretty much just anything that passes up time and that makes me happy. I love cars,doing crazy/random stuff,how about instead of me telling you everything that interests me,why dont you get off of your computer call me and see what my life is all about,ho knows maybe youll get a reallity check,and wake up!!!
I would like to meet many people,but mostly people that love to have fun go crazy,dont follow the rules.That kind of crew,But of course there are the times everyone needs to know of,when they need to act or do something a certain way,Its just how it is.
my bro shaun white,etc. music layout @ HOT
I love all kinds of music.
there is no such thing as bad music or music that is bad for me so there is no reason for me to hate any genre of music just because I dont like it the first time,you need to repetivly try things that are new and stange to your own nature to fully understand the whole concept of it all,that if after everything you can say that you really tried and you still dont like anything about it then just maybe there is nothing you can possibly like about it.
just give it a try whats the worst that could come out of it all.
Well other than there being too many films for me to possibly want to type down on this site,I like anything the same as I was saying with my music column,just give it a try.
AHH!Telly well other than its bad for your eyesight and your brain,I still like it and smetimes well cant stop staring at it,on the other hand you could have 10,000 channels like me and still not have anything on,so really whats the point you probably dont do much as it is so turn it off and go do something. Be like nike,JUST DO IT
No books there bad for you lol..Knowledge is power whoo hahaha.STEPHEN KING.AND pholosephy
Who needs Heroes when you have your Family,and friends...Yessah. ps-Your Heroes are your Family,and friends. or WHOEVER!