®Derek® profile picture


How long you work here dude?

About Me

Read this first!
***Update*** If you send me a friend request without reading this I will deny you... screw you friend whores!!!
If I don't know you already, you have to contact me before you request to be my friend. I don't befriend people that I don't know... I don't care how many friends I have, as long as I know them all. I AM NOT A FRIEND WHORE! That is to say, I don't friend request hundreds of people just to be the guy that has hundreds of friends. If that is why you want to be my friend, well... I am sorry I can't help you. I do however enjoy meeting new people, so if you think I am interesting from my profile, feel free to message me... Otherwise, just play your high score friend game somewhere else. I am sure someone else is playing too... they would love you.
This profile was edited by Derek Moccia
......................rock on............................
MY best friend Scott

My Interests

Computers, cars, building, destroying, climbing, sports, challenges, racing, bmx, paintball... all kinds -o- stuff


Check out this totally awesome band! Ghost Beams!!!



Books? Forget that... here's some pictures.

Me in the bog...

-various mohawk pix-

Completely rAndOM!1!

My Blog

Tired of those random friend requests?

Too bad, they are here to stay.  Out of the 2 billion I get everyday, 2 billion are linked to True.  (Myspace's biggest source of income)  Here are some typical "About me" excerpts from...
Posted by ®Derek® on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 12:35:00 PST


It's amazing how fire consumes... takes everything... makes it something different, takes it beyond recognition.  Fire has the ability to erase a lifetime of memories... or six years worth; ...
Posted by ®Derek® on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 08:32:00 PST

it's funny...

I never thought I would be a part of high school drama... especially 5 years out of it... I suppose it's not the first time that I have been wrong.
Posted by ®Derek® on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 07:13:00 PST


Well, it's officially here... I guess we'll see what is what...
Posted by ®Derek® on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:20:00 PST

Two part blog...

Part 1 I am pretty sure that Halloween sucks from now on... that's why I am giving up.  I am done with Halloween, and planning stuff for Halloween... it just never works out anyway.  So ther...
Posted by ®Derek® on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 08:10:00 PST


Did you know that "Sweetest Day" is a regional holiday? That's right, in other states, you would say to someone, "Happy Sweetest Day," and they would reply, "What's a Sweetest Day?"  It's all a c...
Posted by ®Derek® on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 05:32:00 PST

Snow comes after Halloween...

Posted by ®Derek® on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 02:40:00 PST

What in the world...

When I posted my last blog, I had 0 views for today.  I come back less than an hour later to find 21 views for today.  Who is reading this?  Better yet... who is reading this so fast?&n...
Posted by ®Derek® on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 11:24:00 PST

Eat my Kudos...

Anyone remember kudos candy bars?  Do they still have those somewhere?  Either way, if I had them... I wouldn't let you eat 'em... so forget my subject... revised it reads, "Give me kudos."&...
Posted by ®Derek® on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 10:29:00 PST

No modified division...

Guess what... I just spent over 13 hours on something completely meaningless.  No, not video game... no not TV... on that stupid grand prix car that there was supposed to be a class for.  Tu...
Posted by ®Derek® on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 02:22:00 PST