About Me
WHAT UP!...i guess my name is levi DANIEL NASH...i was born in SD, and raised in AZ...my mom got remarried, and thats how i ended up in CG...I went to Northern Arizona University my freshmen year of collegio, transferred up to Black Hills State University in South Dakota last semester, and now i've transferred BACK to NAU, where i'm going to finish up college...i LOVE to SNOWBOARD, and ride my BICYECLETA, CHILLAX with friends, ride ANY motorized vehicular device, SNOWBOARD, make $$, have BIG FIRES with friends, just basically any chillin activity...i judge people by their actions...actions represent someones TRUE CHARACTER...knowing how "strong" someone's character is, determines how true of a friend they really are...thats how i've always been, and thats how i will ALWAYS bePEACE