*MrsOroZco24/7* profile picture


it's all in good, clean FUN!!!

About Me

MySpace Comments

Dark Angel Generator at REVOLUTIONMYSPACE.com All I know is that I like to chillax and have a drink....with my guitar...I like to have a good time, but getting REALLY CRAZY that's only once in a blue moon...coffee shop, small talk bars, places where they play live music is my thing too....romantic walks on the beach, candle lit dinners....KIDDIN'...I'm not that much of a sap...I like experiencing new things, people, places...discovering what's out there....I'm now a part of the greatest Air Force...I'm stationed in Grand Forks,ND and just married the LOVE OF MY LIFE!!! I LOVE YOU BABY!!! ....always like to stay positive....that's me!

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My Interests

music, movies...I love coffee....belly dance, Latin dance...any kind of dancing really... or just kickin' it...
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I'd like to meet:

Anyone....if you want to talk to me ....LETS DO IT!!! I need to get to know some people outside of this box I call LIFE!! Networking is what it's all about.....So QUE ONDA MUNDO.....!
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| View Show | Create Your OwnCafe Tacuba, Jaguares, Mana, RBD, My Chemical Romance, 311, Sublime, System of a DOWN, Shakira, Julieta Venegas, Intocable, Bacilios, Don Omar, Pink Floyd, Juanes, Haste the Day, Dead Poetic, Demon Hunter, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers,Bob Marley, Green Day, SNOT, Alex Syntek, Lucy Pearl, Sade, Incubus, Common, MOS DEF, GorillaZ, Missy, Lloyd Banks, T.I., old school some new of Dr Dre and Snoop Kanye West, Oreja de Van Gogh, Oojami, local bands and MANY MANY MORE...I love all latin music...bachata, merengue, salsa, some Mexican music and yes, even the reggaeton!! I love a little bit a of everything...it depends on what's going on in my life really.....


my favorite movie of all time is Aladdin...maybe that's why I became a belly dancer....? There's a lot of movies that I like....them ones like Freak Friday...or whatever..I can take once and that's it...Napoleon Dynamite was coo..I only watched it about a MILLION/TRILLION times 2 and ....A LOT!!! I like to laugh, comedies are my favorite, based on true stories are great...one of my favorites in that sense was Schindler's List....and there's a lot...


I haven't watched much teley cuz I have no cable in at the moment so I'm just getting to know the "real world" again..lol....so dont know what's going on....


Rain of Gold, Macho, Juventud en Extasis, Harry Potter (sorry, I like them better than the movies).....I read alot of magazines....like Rolling STone, Latina, News wEek, and um....People EN ESPanish...lol....wat a dork right?

My Blog

its not just you its those around you.....

This shouldn't be a sad day but it really is....today the "what ifs" come out...along with ...what I should've done, what I could've done, why wasn't I there...why didn't anyone see that someone was i...
Posted by *MrsOroZco24/7* on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 10:12:00 PST

just because....

Let me start this by sayin' that I'm just sitting here...like I always do....lol....but seriously, I'm in a good mood right now..just chillin' at the house thinkin  about when my Angelbaby comes ...
Posted by *MrsOroZco24/7* on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 08:42:00 PST

I just prayed the rosary.......

Before I came into the military, I was very much into my religion...rosary Tuesdays, Worship and Praise on Wednesdays, Theology talks on thursday, Friday was time for coffee with the group of Catholic...
Posted by *MrsOroZco24/7* on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 06:31:00 PST

just chillin....

It's been a couple months since my hubby left...I've been in the house on my own and it's not great....wow, I didn't think that I would say that..especially since, at a younger age I was totally wanti...
Posted by *MrsOroZco24/7* on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 04:30:00 PST

Sitting here before my test......

So yea, they gave me the day off today to study...which I have...I've also been doing laundry, cleaning my room and I just went to chow with Angel and some of guys from work....North Dakota is not tha...
Posted by *MrsOroZco24/7* on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 11:26:00 PST


Yo, yea, I haven't been on here in forever...only because I'm in North Dakota with no computer of my own....so I have to borrow one from whoever will allow me..lol...yea, I'm up here first station...n...
Posted by *MrsOroZco24/7* on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 03:46:00 PST

10 DAYS!!!

The countdown has begun.....next week is going to be hell because I'm going to be working out double time to make sure that I am mos' def under weight....it will be good for me though cuz then I'll kn...
Posted by *MrsOroZco24/7* on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 08:37:00 PST

Ok, so I was a little heated!

13 days....isn't it great....? 3 days until I'm out of this office...I almost wanted to come into work late today...because they really can't do anything about it anymore....lol....yea the other day I...
Posted by *MrsOroZco24/7* on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 09:33:00 PST

it's me again!!!!

Yea, it's my last couple weeks here and I'm already tired of being here....I hate it....especially now that I'm going to leave.....I need to be on my own and away from this place..find myself....do wh...
Posted by *MrsOroZco24/7* on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 06:44:00 PST

17 days.................

Ok, whoever takes the time to read this over..thanks....just had to put that..it's probably just my cousins and wat not.....so ya, 17 days until I have to leave..next week is my last week at work and ...
Posted by *MrsOroZco24/7* on Fri, 13 Jan 2006 11:26:00 PST