Hello. My name is Rudy Fig. I live in a tent in the big bad woods with my random followers and my big dog, Harley. Yeah, i pee in the woods... daily. I am an oil painter, musician, philosopher, student of natural madness, and i write short "contemporary" stories... see more here: artofrudyfig.blogspot.comShoot me an email if you would like a resume or anything else. I love bad ass projects, motivated people, and even some unmotivated people. I like adventures, mysteries, vinyl toys, blythe, lollypops, colors in the right time and place, lace, big dogs, meeting good people, ridiculously colored hair sometimes, green grass, space, technology, ... I like faces. Got one?
[email protected]Â I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)