I have been so lucky over the last 10 years to play and record with some amazing musicians, so this page not only serves as an aid to demonstrate my music, but also as a testament to those who have helped and inspired me enough to actually get to the point that I feel I am able to class myself as one of them.... a musician!!!
Aiden Mackenzie live at Da Barras Folk Club, Cork Ireland / 24.7.08
(Video by www.myspace.com/alisonpettyphotography (c) 2008)
Aiden Mackenzie live at Da Barras Folk Club, Cork Ireland / 24.7.08
(Video by www.myspace.com/alisonpettyphotography (c) 2008)
Aiden Mackenzie live at The Vale, Glasgow / 17.8.07
(Video by www.myspace.com/alisonpettyphotography (c) 2008)
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