The Night Stalker "a madman whose lust for killing and depravity equaled, if not surpassed, that of Jack the Ripper"
Over the course of a few months Richard Ramirez would go on to rape, sodomize and murder over 16 people in the Los Angles area. Viciously stabbing or shooting his victims, Ramirez would go as far as gouging out their eyes and stabbing their chests repeatedly to the point of complete mutilation. Basing his murders around satanic rituals,he would scrawl demonic pentagrams around the victims home's he would break into at random.
Kill count: 16
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I am Master Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!
Which Aqua Teen Hunger Force character are you??Take the quiz:
Which Mighty Morphin Power Ranger are you?
White Ranger
You are the White Ranger, you are Tommy. Your weapon is the Saba. You are the tiger and the falcon.
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What's Your Inner Beast? [pics]
The Hybrid:
The Hybrid is the symbol for Change. You have a two faced soul that may reflect inside your personality.
Strengths: Even though you may feel like an outcast to the world, you have the eyes to see beauty in things better than anyone else. Magick is also a strong key in your life and healing is one of the past time rituals you do best. Whether it be a wounded friend or a broken heart, the world never seems to knock you off your feet for long.
Flip Side: Having the Hybrid soul brings to you the transitions between Rebirth and Death. Sometimes new thing come while others die away more often than you think. Shapeshifting is another point kept closely to the Hybrid soul, for you always tend to change your looks and personality to either fit it, or to get out of the mainstream society. You keep your friends puzzled, and always surprised.
Congratulations! You have a Hybrid inside!
pic (c) Christy Grandjean aka GoldenWolfen
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