Cory Joe profile picture

Cory Joe

do you really need a shovel to dig it?

About Me

"Go, then, there are other worlds than these." - Stephen King, The Dark Tower Series

I am a fan of the power nap. Nothing can beat a summer day with my people, tossing the frisbee, BBQing, and soakin' in that sunshine. I don't believe in bullshit, I believe in enjoying this one chance at life I have. I want to experience all that I can. I am in love with the first rays of the rising sun at the top of the summit. I love snowboarding .I have the need to create emotional responses. Preferably with film. Making films is my passion whether I am editing, writing or producing. Naps are a routine of mine.I want a fun committed woman who can laugh at anything. Someone who can sacrifice for their passion, their love. Someone open minded and not so critical. Someone with her head on straight and a direction in mind. A woman who can keep her word.I love cake. I enjoy digging into deep conversation, usually over food or coffee/tea. I don't know why but to some people I seem intimidating because I'm tall, but I'm a pretty nice guy. I collect unique T-shirts and LPs. I'm on aim as "oldschoolbishop" and my email is [email protected]. Cause all G's got gmail.
This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3.2

My Interests

I interested in directing and writing movies. David and I have started ETERNAL MOTION PICTURES(our production company) I also enjoy tossin' around the frisbee.I really also like watching scary, gorey, zombie movies. I'm fans of the dopest cartoons which include the dark knight himself, BATMAN and those green machines, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


I am a consumer of all music, do not label me to just one kind. "Under constant revision is the poem that I be." - Geologic, Blue Scholars
The Physics-Ready For We from The Physics on Vimeo . Changing the World...Currently Listening To: As music goes anything that sounds good is good. But I like to listen to lots of classic rock. To name a few: Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Steppenwolf, Deep Purple, Boston, America, AC/DC, and others. I also dip into some metal and hard rock bands like: Static-X, Metallica, PM5K, GORILLAZG 'n R, Nickelback, Papa Roach, Puddle of Mudd, KoRn, Rob Zombie, System of a Down. Reggae is some good tunes also like Bob Marley and the Wailers. As Hip-Hop goes, Common Market, Tech N9ne, Blackalicious, Blue Scholars, Macklemore, The Physics, Gift of Gab (of Blackalicious), Mos Def, De La Soul, KRS-One, Project Deadman, Wu Tang Clan, Potluck, and just about anyone from Psychopathic Records, ICP, Twiztid, ABK, Rydas, AMB, BOONDOX, DARK LOTUS and Blaze. thats some good shit. Psychopathic for Life! MCL. I am also a big fan of Tom Waits, Santana and CCR.


Suggested Film:Top Films - Here's the list: The Big Lebowski,The Fountain, Leon the professional, HEAT, shawshank redemption, blade runner, saving private ryan, THE WARRIORS, FIGHT CLUB, AMERICAN PSYCHO, THE MACHINIST, collateral, The Mist, No Country For Old Men, Children of Men, 10 Items or Less, Wristcutters: A Love Story, The Door In The Floor.


Only shows on for my kind which is of course nip/tuck, South Park, The Boondocks, the Office, Arrested Development, The Whitest Kids U' Know and the show that keeps me laughing, family guy.


Currently Reading: THE DARK TOWER SERIES!, FIGHT CLUB, surivor, choke, american psycho, the SIN CITY graphic novels, MARVEL comics and anything by Saul Williams and of course Aaron McGruder.Seriously I dont like to read that much until the motherfuckin dark tower series came along so if you love bizzar, crazy ass adventures by the an amazing author. i strongly advise reading the DARK TOWER SERIES. its the shit. there not scary novels like Stephen King usually writes there way better for sho.


tyler durden & mike rowe

My Blog

A Quiet Day to Reflect

A Quiet Day to Reflect I’ve been through enough for the past month. Too many trials and failed attempts to live with. I’ve lost a large chunk of myself because of someone else. So I sat i...
Posted by Cory Joe on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 09:15:00 PST

Heart cold as ice, broken twice

I don’t find myself writing blogs often however these days...I’ve been fucked over. How can you walk away like nothing happened and everyone will be cool? Making your mark on my belongings...
Posted by Cory Joe on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 11:55:00 PST