A.Q of Tha Akademikz, Born June 7th 1992 in San Jose, Ca (408)[Bay Area] Real Name: Anthony Julian Cuevas (Jr.) A young man comin from the bay tryna make a lot of somthin out basically nothin. Always motivated for the success an the dream that every person dreams of. Blessed by the lord with a talent of writing, lyrics was a gift. Striving in the Rap game to be where the best are, an to be announce among the best in the game of all time. Always ready to write a new verse and constantly rapping each and everyday comin up with new stuff. Writing just to write and to become better each time because even the best keep writing to improve. Quick with the lyrics and always somthin special in a verse, punchlines used to dominate each verse. Lyrical and Creative, just waiting to explode on a track. Lyrics is never a concern, always ready just let em' know. Versatile with the lyrics, different concepts or whatever. Waiting for his time to shine knowing it'll come soon.Money is always a motivation.. Collabs are FREE so..Want Q on a track? Contact on this myspace .or aim= (ask for it) Major Tracks in the process right now, be on the look out for his Single's to be released. Losin's not a option, shootin high in the sky gonna fall next to the stars. UNSIGNED! I am on the come up. Just watch me. AQ-
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