You won't want to miss this 3 day event! Visit us at Poi Madness Oct. 10 & 11. Don't forget to pick up your free Worldwide Marijuana March 08' posters, information, and merchandise. See you there! Support this more than worth it event put on by our fellow cannabis reform members.
The event will be held at the 7 Rivers Resort in Lowery, MO. This is at Truman Lake. It's an hour and a half from Kansas City and three hours from Saint Louis. Directions will be posted 2 days prior to the show but if you require additional information call: 816-606-9648.
Cannabis prohibition needlessly destroys the lives and careers of literally hundreds of thousands of good, hard-working, productive citizens each year in this country. Most states in the U.S. have strict cannabis laws that criminalize it's use and possession. In some states cannabis is decriminalize, and even used medically! The Missouri smart sentencing initiative (proposition 2) recently passed In Columbia, Missouri, amends the city criminal code to de-penalize the possession of cannabis and/or Cannabis paraphernalia to a fine-only offense. Columbia voters have shown that they want to consider alternatives to the failed policy of zero-tolerance cannabis prohibition in Missouri, and the waste of resources that it produces. The rest of the state of Missouri continues to make criminals out of responsible adults who make the safer choice! Our hope is for the whole state of Missouri to adopt better Laws, and ultimately get a federal law passed that ends the prohibition of marijuana totally. It’s time for Missouri to take a stand! People in Missouri, especially here in Kansas City, seem to be afraid to speak up in fear what people might think of them. IT IS TIME TO ASSEMBLE PASSIONATE SOLDIERS IN MISSOURI!!! JOIN THE FIGHT FOR WHAT IS RIGHT, BECOME A MISSOURI MARIJUANA LAW ACTIVIST>ADD US!!!MissouriHemp.com ,CannabisCaucusae.com ,NORML.org , andSahjkaya.com