I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking
About Me
(www.strikefile.com/myspace)I start my day around 3am and work until early afternoon. I pick up my supplies and head out to the many homes on my delivery route. I like my job because I'm able to talk to and have become friends with the many housewives to whom I deliver. Sometimes I'll fill in if requested on neighboring route's by housewive's who only want to deal with me.In some homes I'm intrusted with the keys to make my deliveries. The hoildays are especially liked when the housewives shower me with gifts of baked goods, candy and the occasional bottle of spirits.I don't see many of the husbands during my route. When I do run into them they seem suspicious of me and somewhat unfriendly. I'm very cautious and anything confided by their wives stays with me. They're special relationships, and I value all the housewives trust. They're able share anything or seek whatever the man of the house is unable to provide.