"Guns, midgets (little people), hookers (pleasure professionals), butthash, grumfuffles, lowlifes, blood, and two manchildren coming-of-age together as they navigate through a city of crime armed only with their wits, service weapons, and healthy libidos. Put the kids to bed, and hand the babysitter a beer.... It's Duck 'N Cover!!!
Duck 'N Cover is a modern-day buddy cop show ready to do for web 2.0 what web 1.0 did for compulsive masturbators.
Hi friends! Yes, it is true. I've got a new show and we just started rolling out a series of mini-episodes to entice you all and will continue to for weeks as we push closer to getting the full first season off the ground. We are looking for partners in crime so if you are interested please get in touch.
More info about the show on the website that will continue to be updated, but most importantly go watch!!!
Alcohol, in all its forms, has been and continues to be a prominent part of our society, for better or worse. Whether you are a drinker or not, the influence and affects of alcohol is unavoidable. For some, it breaks us out of our shell, relaxes us and makes special occasions more special. For others, it lends itself to losing jobs, losing families and often losing control.
Once a week, Drinks Anyone? will explorer through individual testimonials just how great an impact alcohol has on both drinkers and non drinkers during good times and bad.
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