For each fan of the cult strip “Aliens - the return†becomes the musical expression free of doubts the film fairly. Because war prevails now! The fat Death Metal sound is strengthened in some places also by heavy Industrial & Synthesziser parts. This album is interpreted by the powerful Growls of Voces (Psychotop). The actual main characters of the film (Newt & Ripley) may not be missing here naturally and with guest musicians were partly converted. Also for the coverlayout no troubles & costs were shrunk from - original Requisiten were used, which could be photographed with support of Europe most well-known Requisitensammler (Roman Güttinger) with it in Switzerland. All in all this album tributes at James Camerons “Aliens this time it's war†& to all Alien fans, as well as for each Metalfans and all those, which feel connected with this film or this music!
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