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About Me

We're on this floating rock called earth...that thought crosses my mind every day. Have you ever thought of that for more than just a moment? I live each day as if it were my last and treat the people in my life that way as well. Life is delicate and every moment is sacred. There is so much we don't know and that is what truly intrigues me. Everyday I wake up thinking about the mystery of it all, this world, this universe, this everything. The connection within the cycles of life...the universe, ocean tide, seasons, it means something. We don't know where space truly begins nor ends, and what if we were inside something else? Science cannot measure love, faith, space or matter...and that very subject almost drove Einstein into pure when you are having a bad day, just take a moment and reflect upon the fact that we are all on this floating rock called 'Earth' and just a tiny fraction of this universe...there is so much more...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

someone with a fax machine

My Blog

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