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I'am a down to earth person who truly love my parents and my family and my must ultimate love of all is The Trinity (Jehova,Jesus and The Holy Ghost).....And i have this inner child in me that i can't get rid off... But i guess that's all good!!!!... And i "LOVE" Christian Music of all genre,Reading books and the most important one of all The Holy Bible,drawing and viewing reality TV shows..********** **********ENGLISH PRAISE SONGS Click here for more information about the songsClick here to create your own MySpace PlaylistCANCIONES CRISTIANA EN ESPANOL (PRESIONAR LA PRIMERA CANCION PARA COMENSAR)Click here for more information about the songs
Click here to create your own MySpace PlaylistYou may wonder why by looking at my profile that i give the ultimate glory to the Lord Jesus...At the age of 25 i was going through hard times in my life i was very depress,and unfortunately alcohol became my best friend i use to drink so i could forget, but eventually it didn't work because the next day the problem was still there...So i started to think about suicide and that thought dominated my mind 24/7, and the most funny thing to me at that time was that every where i was going, like for instance for a short walk or on the bus at the supermarket on the train at the park even in a taxicab, someone will tell me, Jesus loves you, and one day i was in downtown Boston as i was going up the stairs of the Subway Station, there was a small billboard that said "Jesus is the giver of life who are you to take it away... There is no problem in this life that He cannot resolve,for only Him can make the impossible-possible"... So i accepted the Lord Jesus as my saviour, i ask Him to forgive the sins i committed, and that i was going to place my trials in His hands...And believe me that was the best commitment that i took in my life... Jesus resolve my problems and He change my sadness into joy...and He gave me a brand new life...Now 15 years later i'am still serving Him and my love for Him is greater each day that passes on. I posted ten steps for you to take, i did it so can you"... If you are feeling the same way, i felted 15 years ago!!, the only advice i can give you is to accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour... And one more thing i want to say, is that i'am not perfect and i will never be, the only one who is perfect is Jesus Christ i have failed and i'am a sinner and i'am not better than no one else... The only thing that i want to share with humanity is the Love of Christ for His creation, Christ loves you so much that He died for you and I at calvary, for us to have eternal life in Him... And His salvation doesn't cost anything, it's for free...MAY THE GOD WHO GIVES ENDURANCE AND ENCOURAGEMENT GIVE YOU A SPIRIT OF UNITY AMONG YOURSELVES AS YOU FOLLOW CHRIST JESUS... ROMANS 15:5...PASTOR'S LOU AND KRIS ZINNANTY WELCOMES EVERYONE, TO COME AS YOU ARE..."IF YOU NEED A PLACE OF WORSHIP, YOU ARE WELCOME TO VISIT CHRIST THE ROCK ASSEMBLIES OF GOD CHURCH"... At Christ the Rock Church, we are always available to respond quickly to your questions about our services,service locations,Christ the Rock Church,or anything else you might want to know. We value your input and appreciate your suggestions and comments. Our address is 48 Pleasant Street---Dorchester, MA 02125....Phone&#:617-825-9425----Fax:617-825-9425-- --EMail: [email protected] prison keeper in the acient Greek city of Philippi once asked two of his prisoners the most important question in life:"What must i do to be saved?"...The two prisoners, whose names were Paul and Silas, knew theanswer"... Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved"(Acts 16:31)...The prison keeper, who sometimes called the Philippian Jailer, did believe in Jesus Christ and he was saved....It is probable that he then turned to Paul and Silas and asked, "What then should i do now?"...And they must have told him...For within a few hours he had taken several of the most important first steps that a new christian should take...Perhaps you, too, have just trusted in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and are asking, "What should i do now?"...If so, take these ten simple steps, and your life will take on a new excitment and purpose...STEP#1."MAKE SURE YOU ARE SAVED"...There is only one requirement for salvation-faith in Jesus Christ...Just believe in Him...That's all you need to do...You are not saved by belonging to a particular church or denomination; no church saves you!.....STEP#2."TELL SOMEONE"...Once you had been saved it's important to share your news with someone...Tell them that Jesus has become real to you...That He has come into your life...It means you become a witness for Jesus and Jesus wants us all to be witnesses of His love...STEP#3."ESTABLISH A QUIET-TIME"...You need to grow in your new faith in Christ, and to do this it's important for you to establish a quiet-time to get alone with God and His Word...The Bible is the revelation of God's mind to us...It's what He wants us to know and do...Not only did God give His Son-the living Word to save us, He gave His Book , the written Word, to guide us...STEP#4."PRAY"...Getting to know God better means spending time talking to Him just as we would get to know a friend...Praying is simply talking to Him and enjoying Him....God loves to have intimate and honest converstion with us anytime of the day or night--about anything...STEP#5."MAKE CHRISTIANS FRIENDS"...After you become a christian, you may find a need for some new friends...You may find that you are looking for new friends who share your love of the Lord and who will help you through the ups and downs of your new christian life...This kind of friend will joyfully sing with you when you are on the mountain top and silently walk beside you through the darkest valley...STEP#6."FIND A CHURCH"...After coming to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour,"as soon as you can", find a Bible-believing church and become active in it..."Do not delay"...It's easy to lose interest in the church if you have never made made an investment in it...Not only it will help you make christian friends, but it will help you grow by leaps and bounds in your new christian faith...STEP#7. "BE BAPTIZED"...There are some fine people who believe that baptism is necessary for salvation; another point of view is that baptism is necessary for obedience, but not for salvation...Again and again faith is stated as the requirement for salvation, with no mention of baptism.(John 3:16-18; 5:24; Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9-14)...Water baptism identifies our desire to obey Christ(Matthew 28:19-20)...If you know that Christ wants you to be baptized and you refuse, you are being disobedient to your Master, the One who died for you...Water baptism identifies our desire to be join to Christ (Romans 6:1-4)...We have no way to show to others who we are placed into the body of Christ when we are saved, except through the symbolism of water baptism...Being baptized shows that when Christ died, we died...When when He was buried, we were buried...And when He rose from the dead, we rose from the dead--to walk in newness of life...STEP#8."LEARN TO GIVE"...Learning to give is one of the first lessons God teaches new believers...There is a good reason for it too!...Giving is important to God....In fact, one-sixth of the Book of Matthew,Mark and Luke and 12 of Jesus' 38 parables have to do with money...Learning to give is important because of the divine pattern...God wants us to be like Him...He said "Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be Holy for i'am the Lord your God.(Leviticus 20:7; 1 Peter 1:13-16)...Since God is a giver by nature, He wants us to learn to be givers as well..."For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son".(John 3:16)...Giving glorifies God because it makes us more like God... STEP#9."MEMORIZE GOD'S WORD"...Memorizing God's Word is a privilege,not a duty...The benefit is all ours and the pleasure is all His...Memorizing God's Word honore Him...Read Psalm 119 and notice the honor the writer heaps on God and His Word...Psalms 119 verse 89:"Forever, O Lord, Your word is settle in heaven...Psalms 119 verse 105:"Your word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path"...Psalms 119 verse 140:"Your word is very pure, therefor, Your servant loves it"...Psalms 119 verse162:"I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure"...STEP#10."FIND AN ACCOUNTABILITY FRIEND"...What is an accountability friend?...It is a mature christian who agrees to diciple you, to help you grow and mature in your new faith in Christ...It is someone who agrees to hold you accountable, someone who will help you carry through on what you determine to do...For instance if you tell your accountability friend that you are going to have a quiet-time every morning for half an hour, he or she will call you later in the day and ask if you did...An accountability friend make sure that you do all that you told God you would do...But the accountability street goes both ways...Frequently two people with accountability friends for each other, they will hold each other up and lift each other up when they need a lift...And if one should fall, the other will help him or her up...There is a striking of this in Ecclesiastes4:9-10: "Two are better than one ...For if they fall, one will lift up his companion...But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up..............."THE RAPTURE IS THE 2ND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST LORD FOR HIS BRIDE, THE CHURCH... ALL THOSE WHO ACCEPTED JESUS AS THEIR LORD AND SAVIOR"...(WORDS OF JESUS TO HIS FOLLOWERS)... "When everything is ready, then I will come and get you, so that you can always be with me where I'am, If this weren't so, I would tell you plainly." John 14:3......."For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18....... "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up... Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness... Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?... Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of Him in peace, without spot, and blameless." 2 Peter 3:10-14The "Praying Hands" are much, much more than just a work of art.... They are the "soul's creations" of a deeply thankful heart.... They are a Priceless Masterpiece that love alone could paint.... And they reveal the selflessness of an unheralded saint.... These hands so scarred and toilworn, tell the story of a man.... Who sacrificed his talent in accordance with God's Plan.... For in God's Plan are many things man cannot understand.... But we must trust God's judgement and be guided by His Hand.... Sometimes we must forego our hopes of fortune and success.... Not all of us can triumph or rise to heights of fame.... And many times What Should Be Ours, goes to another Name.... But he who makes a sacrifice, so another may succeed, is indeed a true disciple of our blessed Saviour's creed.... For when we "give ourselves away" in sacrifice and love.... We are "laying up rich treasures" in God's kingdom up above, and hidden in gnarled, toilworn hands in the truest Art of Living.... Achieved alone by those who've learned the "Victory of Giving".... For any sacrifice on earth, made in the dear Lord's name, assures the giver of a place in Heaven's Hall of Fame.... And who can say with certainty, Where the Greates Talent Lies, Or Who Will Be the Greatest In Our Heavenly Father's Eyes!If there is someone in your family(as there is in mine), that suffers from the illness of Schizophrenia... Please love them with all your heart and soul and be patient with them... They need your support and understanding... SCHIZOPHRENIA is a serious mental illness that effects over 2 millions Americans (about 1% of the population)... SCHIZOPHRENIA also impacts millions of family members and friends... REMEMBER YOU DID NOT CAUSE THIS ILLNESS... SCHIZOPHRENIA is a biological illness that impairs a person's ability to think clearly manage his or her emotion, make decisions, and relate to others... It is not cause, as once one thought, by poor parenting or weakness in a person's character... Although the exact cause is not known, it is thought that the symptoms of schizophrenia are brought by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, called "NEUROTRANSMITTERS" ... These "neurotransmitters" such as dopamine and serotonin are chemicals that send signals between the cells in the brain... One theory is that to much of these chemicals in certain areas of the brain and too little in the others might cause people to experience symptoms of schizophrenia... YOU HAVE REASONS TO BE HOPEFUL... Although a cure has yet to be found, schizophrenia is a treatable illness... Medecines are available that can help people better manage their symptoms... In addition with comprehensive treatment plan that includes medecine and structure psychosocial therapy and rehabilitation, many people with schizophrenia can move foward with more productive and more independent lives... NOW, IN MY OPINION, THE doctor's SAYS THAT THERE IS NO CURE FOR SCHIZOPHRENIA... AND I SAY THAT THERE IS, AND THE ONLY CURE IS JESUS CHRIST... ***** HE IS THE DOCTOR OF ALL doctors AND THERE ISN'T A SICKNESS THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO CURE... ONLY HE CAN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE-POSSIBLE... AND I CONFESS THAT THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB OF GOD (JESUS CHRIST) IS THE ULTIMATE POWER!!!!Sometimes we need to be reminded!.... A well-known speaker started off his seminar by: holding up a $20.00 dollar bill... In the room of 200, he asked, " Who would like this $20 dollar bill?... Hands started going up... He said i'am going to give this $20 to one of you... But first lets do this... He proceeded to crumple up the $20 dollar bill... He then asked,"Who still wants it?"... Still the hands were up in the air... Well he replied "What if I do this?"... And he dropped it on the ground and started do grind it into the floor with his shoes... He pick it up now crumpled and dirty... He ask "Now who still wants it"?... Still the hands went into the air... He replied, my friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson... No matter what, i did to the money, you still wanted it, because it did not decreased in value... It was still worth $20 dollars... Many times in our lives, we are dropped,crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way... We feel as do we are worthless... But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value... Dirty or cleaned, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who loves you... The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by who we are... And remember there is an ultimate love that cannot be described and that no human being in this whole earth has a love or a heart like Jesus Christ... He is the only one that accept you just the way you are and take you in His arms... By His ultimate love for humanity, He cleanses us and shapes us and makes us brandnew... There is no other love that can be compared to the love of Jesus Christ...************ ******************************************(LOVE STORY)********************** He was born in a stable, He was sent down in love...He was humble as a lamb, yes He was gentle as a dove...In miracles He was able, but HE can save souls too...For that what Jesus came for, the work of God to do...He was twelve years old in a temple, oh such a little lad...At him, the elders were amazed, too see what gifts He had...As He grew, nourished in God's love, He preached the Golden Rule...He said "Love your neighbor as yourself, use prayer as a tool."...With three rusty nails, life would end, but on the third day, begin...He said, Father , please forgive them", a plea much souls to win...