Stu P. Didiot profile picture

Stu P. Didiot

About Me

There are many worlds within our world, and on July 12th 2003 one such world was shattered irrevocably, .......forever.
One summer many moons ago I placed an advert in the back pages of Kerrang that went along the lines of: "Rockers wanted to party, get into trouble, upset people, annoy the world, generally waste time... and oh yeah, to form a band". I wasn't sure what I was trying to say but Stu P Didiot answered the ad. He was the only one to do so.
The ad wasn't serious about all of the partying (well kind of) and getting into trouble (well sort of), that was just a sarcastic dig at all the monkeys who thought musicians didn't do any work. Stu worked this out within seconds of seeing the ad.
When I met Stu we instantly became friends, we didn't form a band together but we certainly got involved in each others music, we never co-wrote together but we did share ideas and record a lot of stuff. I don't think I missed not even one of his gigs for the next 8 years after meeting him. We jammed a lot, a hell of a lot.
Anyway, enough of that, this profile is not about me and Stu, it's about Stu, Stu P. Didiot to be precise: guitarist of Charge, guitarist and voice of Bardot's Babies, Clamhead, The Acoustic Mercenaries, and The Royal Americans to name but a few, Stu writer of songs, instigator of emotional fire, inventor of style, destroyer of fear, creator of awe, friend to many, enemy to few.
We lost touch for a while. I just learned that he died of cancer July 12th 2003. I was hoping to get with him and jam a little for old time's sake, guess he had something else he had to do.
Stu P Didiot was a musician, he was my friend.
Stu P Didiot (Stuart Lunn) 1957 - 2003. Musician, song writer, innovator.
James Marshall BlackPlain MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider

My Interests


Member Since: 22/06/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Stu P Didiot:
song writing

James Marshall Black:

John Klein
(courtesy of Souxsie and the Banshees)
lead guitar

Siv (the blonde girl, gold skirt)
backing vocals

Camden Pete

Music Copyright Stu P. Didiot

Type of Label: Major

My Blog

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