About Me
Get signed at 19, rock til I'm 91.
You're intrusions are making this all better.
You're in my skin, literally.
I am the new symbolic statue for ying and yang.
And my heart is a machine that will never stop running.
Finally, I am the new owner of love and pain.
Who's next? Me, myself, & I.
I will be the latest in God's new fetish.
And when we meet,
I will tear him to pieces.
Broken Down:
Campouts, bonfires, grilling, traveling, film & media, photography, vegetarianism, history, learning, Greek mythology, knowledge (religion, polictics, & drugs) music, rock & roll, writing, drums, concerts, poker, skating, love, spooning, cloves, alc., parties.
Big fish, Breakfast Club, Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas, Donnie Darko, Pie, Requiem for A Dream, Heathers, Kill Bill series, Lost Boys, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Illusionist, 300, Saw series, POTC series.
A~Z Encyclopedia of Serial Killers, The Meloncholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories.
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