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About Me

A LiL BouT Me

NaMe:BRiTTNey BiRTHDay:JuLy 24 ZoDiac SiGN: Leo CuRReNT GRaDe: 11TH sKooL: HoPeweLL HiGH RePPiN DaT 2008 To Da FuLLesT i Have YaHoo & aiM RaCe: JaPaNese & BLack LiVe iN cHaRLoTTe BuT RaiseD iN BALTIMORE " /

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


bmore the choice is urs
GoGo or Club cLuB
hammers or the dox Tha Dox
chicken box or sub cHicKeN Box
security or mondawmin SeCuRiTy
dru hill or hanlon DRu HiLL
da bake or skateland sHaKe N BaKe
poly or city ciTy
big T's or one n one oNe oN oNe
walbrook or forest park waLBRook
northwestern or doug NoRTHwEsTeRN
weed or black'n mild WeeD
phillips or mo's PHiLLiPs
namebelt or airbrushed tee NaMeBeLT
kmart or walmart WaLMaRT
tattoo or piercings BoTh
fellspoint or da harbor Da HaRBoR
boys or girls Boyz
lust or luv LoVe
seafood or fastfood SeaFooD
bus or subway BuS
crown vic or grand marq cRowN Vic
fireworks or gunshots GuNShoTs
5 0 or po po PoPo
block or street BLock
baltimore city edu or baltimore county edu CouNTy
junction or westside shop cntr JuNcTioN
lexington mkt or cross st mkt LeXiNGToN MKT
funnelcakes or cinnabon FuNNeL cakes
cd's or radio RaDio

List 20 friends in random order:
1. Joey
2. George
3. Rayvon
4. Alysia
5. Tianna
6. Chris
7. Vanessa
8. Tyler
9. Beloved
10. Aaron
11. Danny
12. Ryan
13. Lavonde
14. Kiera
15. Brandon
16. Caderis
17. Keven
18. Quanisha
19. Renee
20. Jasmine
Now answer the following:
how did you meet 13? in AFM
what would you do if you never met 5? Chill with her
have you ever liked 3? yea
what do you honestly think of 10? He mad kool
would or did 19 and 8 go out? idk jus mite
if 1 died tomorrow, what is one thing you would need him/her to know? That he is Muh Bestfriend and i Love Him
would 2 and 11 make a good couple? Hell No
describe 6 in three words: Cute, Nice, Smart
do you think 12 is beautiful? Muh Brother yea he cute
would 1 and 17 ever go out? Hell No
what do you think of when you see 8? PARTY
tell me something humiliating about 11: idk
do you know any of 7's family members? Yea Her Mom
what is 20's favorite color? Purple
on a scale from 1-10 how cute is 14? I'
on a scale from 1-10 how cute is 14? No HoMo

what would you do if 4 just professed their undying love for you? Smack her
what language does 19 speak? English
who is 8 going out with?
does 2 have any siblings? Yea
is 15 single? i Think so
what is 10's fantasy? to have me back in Bmore
what school does 16 go to? Hopewell
where does 9 live? Baltimore
would you makeout with 13? Hell No
how did you meet 15? At work (Muh Babii)
what grade is 17 in? 10th
when is the last time you talked to 12? yesterday
what is 3's favorite band? idk
would you date 9? yea


Hammerjacks or The Paradox? Jacks
Supa DJ Big L or Blaqstarr? BLaQusTaRR
My Rida Girls or Slob on My Knob? RyDa GuRLs
DJ Kali or Lil Jay? LiL Jay
Buckshot or Porkchop PoRkcHoP
Down the Hill or Up The Hill? uP THa HiLL
Syn City or Raymon SyN CiTy
Two Steppin' or Wheel Chair? Two sTePPiN
Gogo or Club Music? cLuB Music
Kswift or Big Nasty? KSwiFT
Gettin Numbers or Fighting? GeTTiN NuMBeRs
Givaways or Discounts? Giveaways
Lesbian or Freak? FReaK
Gettin Drunk or Bottle Water BoTTLe WaTeR
Buying Club CD's or Being Given Club CD's? GiVeN cLuB CD's
K-Spin or DJ Nitro? DJ NiTRo
Tear It Up or Nigga Say Wha? NiGGa say wHaT
92.Q or 93.9? 92Q
Clubbin or Concert? cLuBBiN
Freak Dance or Rockin' Off? FReak DaNce w/ a Boy...RocKiN oFF By yaseLF
Dj Five Star or RodLee? RoDLee
North Ave or Park Heights? PaRk HeiGHTs
Myspace or Crushspot? MysPace
Fuckin or Suckin? FucKiN
Standin Around or On The Floor? oN THa FLooR
Fuck da haters or Why they talkin bout me? FucK Da HaTas
611 or Starr Productions sTaRR PRoDucTioNs
Dancin Twins or Dancin Darkness DaNciN TwiNs
Dj Amazin or Dj Tigga DJ TiGGa
Nazz-D or Young Nelly Nazz D