We are SORGENS, a black/death metal band. We want to spread our music, we want spread the evilness that we felt, we want to express the anger against the religion sickness.
SORGENS began being a band of 4 members. With Sorath as bassplayer and vocals, Morthem as drummer and Ghoul and Adhestor as guitar players. But after some months and some auditions Rumjal joined the band as vocals. So the band have two vocals; screams from hell that brought diabolical power to the band.
In this period SORGENS record their first demo called " Path of dead fears ". And after this demo and some gigs the band have to left his 2 guitarplayers for personal problems. Ghoul and Adesthor left the band.
But Sorath, Morthem and Rumjal decided to continue with the band, to continue spreading evil. Then Sorath took the place of guitar player, and he'll still being the guitar player and the backing vocals too. After this change we make a new songs and we are working in the new material. The band got more power than never. So then SORGENS needed a bassplayer and TFBB was the correct person to take this place.
In a few months the alignment changed a lot.
We were looking since the band started to get full our music with some atmospheres, we needed a keyboards. On one gig of Sorgens we met Ajax and after talk with him we decided to got him into the band as the keyboards.
We needed another guitar to give to the band more strenght and we knew the perfect person to do this job, so Exael came to join the band.
After one months TFBB left the band for matters of time. A friend of us called Zairik took the bass and he join us. He have the skills to stay with Sorgens for a long time.
For now we still working to make more Black/Death Metal material so you can feel the rise of strenght,evilness and darkness.
Thanks to all the people that support us.