I'm looking forward to the day I meet Jesus face to face. I'm looking forward to meeting Harriet Tubman, Ruth & Boaz, Golda Meir, Einstein, Sarah (Abraham's wife), Elizabeth (Zechariah's wife), George Washington Carver, the prophets Zepheniah & Isaiah; Michaelangelo, Charlton Heston, Paul Newman, Barbara Bane, President Lincoln and Moses. (grin) Living people I would love to meet are: Carol Burnett, Barbara Bush, Victoria Holt, Mick Jager, Margaret Thatcher, the guys from Jars of Clay, Phyllis Whitney, and Mel Gibson.
Thou Beautiful
Thou breath of fresh air,
Which the glowing embers did ignite;
Thou, fairest of the fair,
Who in the gloomy dark of night,
My wretched soul did bring to light,
And bathed my soul in pure delight,
I pray thee bear,
These words of admiration.
Scarce can I dare,
But must, for adoration,
Doth set my heart,
To dance in jubilation,
Send forth this part.
Your golden hair shines,
Like the sunrise o'er the mighty mount,
While the fresh coolness of the morn
Your glowing face,
Would send a knight in flashing armour,
To die a thousand deaths,
In anticipation of a mere glimpse of its glory,
Your sparkling eyes,
Laugh with the waterfall,
And sprightly dance,
With the wind through the tall grass.
But the freshness of your spirit,
Doth pour forth the melody,
That floats on with the harmony,
Of your glorious beauty;
The reality amidst fading shadows.
--Anonymous. Who are you?
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